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Friday, April 04, 2008

New Dance Praise® Expansion Pack 7: Top Hits is Gold Mine of Award-Winning Music

Bestselling Author Joel C. Rosenberg Holds 'Epicenter' Conference in Jerusalem

Remarks by President Bush and Romanian Prime Minister Popescu-Tariceanu After Meeting

No Mitt for Vice President

Pastors: Audio Bibles Meet Church-Goers Needs

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Open Theologians and Scientists Converge on Azusa Pacific University

Georgia Third Grade Teacher Target of Student Rage

Care Net: Houston Tragedies Point to Need for Pregnancy Centers

Maryland Home School Robotics Team Wins Slot for US FIRST's International Robotics Competition in Atlanta, April 16-19

The Chad Foundation to Provide Preventive Cardiac Screenings for Young Harlem Athletes

Second Medical Board Official Resigns Amid Scandals Over Cover-ups and Ineptitude

Covering Pope Benedict's Visit to America

MOTE Receives Green Light for its Christ Centered Program for Prisoner Rehabilitation within the Country of the Dominican Republic

Day Gardner, Pres. National Black Pro-Life Union Asks: Should America be Punished with a President Who will not Stand for All of Us

Remarks by the President at North Atlantic Council Summit Meeting with Invitees

John McCain 2008 Launches New Web Ad: 'Sacrifice'

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Rockford, Illinois Accused of Violating Pro-Lifer's Civil Rights

Second Head Rolls in Kansas Corruption Scandal as Director of Medical Board Resigns

Thousands 'Rally for Sally' -- Bus Loads Show Support in Free Speech Rally for Rep. Kern

Planned Parenthood Continues to Crack: New Video Outs More Racism

Campaign Launched to Equip Churches for National Volunteer Month

Gospel Music Channel to Re-Launch VOD Suite, Readies HD VOD Channel

The Pope: An Ordinary Christian

Great Britain Has Lost Its Humanity, Creating and Killing Human- Animal Embryos

Tiller's Attorneys Lash Out at Operation Rescue's Effort to Prevent Corruption

Mission Aviation Planes Grounded Due to Lack of Fuel

United for Life Foundation Launches an Initiative to Reform the Culture

African Pastor Comes to California to Thank Woman for Donating Wedding Ring

United Church of Christ Ad Masks Decline

Activists to Hold Demonstration at Senator Obama's Appearance on the campus of West Chester University in Pennsylvania

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