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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Youth Take the Lead in March for Life

LoveFest 6 Taps Hollywood Actress to Headline Annual Abstinence Conference - Music by Christian Rocker and Top 'Clean' Comedian Round out the All Star Event

If Churches Cannot Preach Against Abortion, They Should Just Close Their Doors

HLI Lauds WI Bishop's Stand against 'CFFC'

Monday, January 21, 2008

Colorado RTL Watching Weitz Designation

Influential Catholics Criticize 'Call for Civility' in Politics

Ron Paul to Hold News Conference with Norma McCorvey ('Jane Roe') on Anniversary of 'Roe v. Wade' Decision

SBC's Richard Land Comments on 'Roe v. Wade' Anniversary

Denver Broncos Kicker Jason Elam Supports US Troops in Iraq with Super Bowl Tour

Illegal Abortion Evidence Prompts Operation Rescue to Call on New KS Attorney General to Reopen Tiller Abortion Investigation

Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

HillaryXFiles.com Leads Efforts to Release Clinton Secret Files

PA Citizens Urged to Contact Legislators This Week on PA Marriage Amendment

Hope on the Horizon - for 600 Orphaned Children

Speakers Available: 35 Years After 'Roe' -- Ruling Loses Support When People Learn the Details

Statement by President Bush During a Visit to Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Library

Jesusland Author Fighting for Fred in Florida

Pro-Life United Methodist Bishop to Speak on Capitol Hill Marking 'Roe' Anniversary

GOD TV to Air Bound4Life Prayer Rally

Why are You a Follower of Christ?

Abortion Opponents in 59 Cities Prepare 40-Day Campaign to Counter Impact of Roe v. Wade

35 Years of a Dream Denied

Pro-Life Movement is Alive and Well on the Eve of the 35th Roe v. Wade Memorial

Mayor Amicone Establishes an Annual 'Respect Life Week' in Yonkers

Details on National Memorial for the Pre-Born and Their Mothers and Fathers, Washington, DC, January 22, 2008

50,000,000 Abortions but National Right to Life Committee Lawyer Jim Bopp Says Now Not Yet the Time to Try to Ban Murder of all Innocent Unborn Babies

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Red and Yellow, Black and White, All Come Together to Broadcast 'Live' Their Stand as Abolitionists of Abortion World-Wide Gather in Washington DC

Estimated 25,000 Pro-Woman Pro-Life Walkers Crowd San Francisco Waterfront

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, January 18, 2008

National Foundation Opens Phoenix Office to Provide Phoenix Area Ministries Free Development Training and Grant Money

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