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Friday, December 14, 2007

CCN Launches Online Video Interview Series Featuring Governor Mike Huckabee

New Song Urges Young Americas to be Proud of Who They Are

Remarks by President Bush and President Garcia of Peru at Signing of H.R. 3688, the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act

Baltimore Anarchists Rescue Church of Transsexual United Methodist Minster

Remarks by the President After Meeting with His Cabinet

Gun Saint Society Honors Colorado Church Heroine

Operation Rescue to Sebelius: 'Just Say No to Biggs'

What do Rudy Giuliani and Racism Have in Common

Out of Control School Board to Teach About Sex to 4th Graders

New York City Approves the Public Display of a Nativity Scene in Times Square During this Christmas Season

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Newcomer Tops Christian Music Today List of Best 2007 Albums

National Speakers to Appear at CWA of California's Dynamic Culture Conference

U.S. Based Family Group Strengthens Ties with China

Audio Bible Ministry Fills Airwaves with Christmas Story

Remarks by President Bush and President Yar'adua of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Photo Opportunity

Christian Legal Society Named a 'Shining Light' Christian Ministry by MinistryWatch.com

Statement by the President on the Assassination of Lebanese Brigadier General Francois al-Hajj

'Stop Rudy!' Campaign Begins in New Hampshire; Picketing, Leafleting, and More

Florida Marriage Protection Amendment Makes Historic Petition Goal for 2008 Ballot

MinistryWatch.com Releases Annual List of 30 'Shining Light' Ministries

TBN's 'Reality Check' Hosted by Carman to Examine the Truth Behind Christmas Traditions

Leading Eating Disorder Treatment Center Identifies Popular Eating Disorder Myths

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christian Democracy Activist Peng Ming Suffering from Severe Health Issues While Serving Life Sentence in China

Groups Announce Major Pro-life Witness at the New Hampshire Presidential Primary in January

Santa Claus Refuses to Navigate by 'Golden Compass' -- Calls for Boycott of Movie and its Sponsors

Romney -- $50 Abortions in Massachusetts

Christmas Resolution Brings Out Party-Line Grinches

Operation Renewed Hope Introduction

Shroud of Turin Preservation Society Created

Pregnancy Centers Named 'Daniel of the Year' by World Magazine

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