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Friday, November 30, 2007

Pray4Celebs.com, The World's Most Praying Fan Site is Calling all Fans to Unite in Prayer for Celebrities

'Gay' Activists to Perform Cheap Political Stunt Over 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Black Pro-life Group Outraged Over Truck Impounding

Prosecution of British Schoolteacher is Another Example of how Khartoum Violates the Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Crouse Concerned About Liquor Ads on TV

CADC Calls for End to Aid to Sudan

Planned Parenthood Drops Plans to Appeal to KS Supreme Court Based on Tiller Defeat

Love's Holiday CD Hits #1

Historic Global Vigil for AIDS Orphans Ends in New York City

Steve Peroutka, Chairman of National Pro-life Action Center on Capitol Hill Comments on the Passing of Rep. Henry Hyde

Free Speech and First Amendment Crushed by Gwinett County, Georgia Police Department

Thursday, November 29, 2007

World AIDS Day, 2007; By the President of the United States of America -- A Proclamation

Remarks by President Bush After Briefings at the Department of Defense

Fr. Pavone on Congressman Henry Hyde: A Giant Who Fought for the Weak

Henry Hyde's Pro-Life Partners Salute His Legacy

Victory -- KS Supreme Court Orders Abortion Grand Jury to Proceed

Statement by the President on the Death of Henry Hyde

Remarks by President Bush and President Saca fo El Salvador in Photo Opportunity

New Jersey Court's Decision is Latest Example of Judiciary's Refusal to Deal with Reality Says Fr. Pavone

Firing of Black Pro-Life Woman by YWCA a 'Sad Commentary' on the Organization Says Dr. Alveda King

CWA Mourns the Passing of Rep. Henry Hyde

The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show Available on Satellite Beginning this Monday 12/3/07

'Keep Condoms Out of School' Signs Spark Controversy at St. Lucie County FL K-8 School. If New Sex Ed Curriculum is Implemented, Students May Ask Parents About Anal Sex

35 Years After Roe v. Wade: What's New? -- Finally, the Supreme Court is Listening

AIDS Ignorance

Learn Five Keys How You Can be Healed Today in New Book by Steve Krotoski

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pastor Bryan Longworth is Tired of Waiting for the School Board ? Takes Message to the Parents

Historic Global Vigil for Aids Orphans Ends in New York City

Senior House Church Leader Issues Open Letter to Chinese Communist Party Leader for Religious Freedom -- Shandong House Church Christians Won Legal Battle Against PSB After Being Raided

Remarks by President Bush on Annapolis Conference

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