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Monday, November 26, 2007

Twenty-Somethings Return from Journey of Self Discovery and Service

AIDS Epidemic in D.C. -- It is Not Everybody's Disease

Remarks by President Bush and President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas Before Meeting

Life Coach and Motivational Speaker Paula White Talks to Larry King Tonight About Her New Book, You're All That!, on Larry King Live (CNN)

Remarks by President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Olmert Before Meeting

Why the Backlash Against Tithing

The Street Life Series by Kevin M. Weeks Tops African American Literary Reading List for 2007 Holiday Season

Democrats Allow Illegals into America to Destroy Republicans

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Statement by President Bush

Huckabee on Abortion: Shares Fred Thompson's Views

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Radio Address of the President to the Nation

Friday, November 23, 2007

Life Coach and Motivational Speaker Paula White Talks to Larry King about Her New Book, 'You're All That!'

A Father's Cry for His SON

Georgia's Human Life Amendment

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mission Aviation Fellowship Playing Vital Role in Bangladesh Relief Effort

Thanksgiving Message from Fred Thompson

Business License of Australia Company in China Revoked; Three Chinese Employees Arrested; Company Founders Issued Urgent Open Letter to the Chinese President

American Bible Society Partners with TBN Network to Air Thanksgiving Specials

Campaign Life Coalition Welcomes the News that Stem Cells Can Be Created Without Embryos but Expresses Caution

NYC Schools Deny Christians Parity: Holiday Display Policy Favors Jews and Muslims

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

GFA Missionaries Reaching Out to Victims of Bangladesh Cyclone

Christmas Begins on GMC this Weekend

American Bible Society Steuben Glass Christmas Collection Is Now Available

Stem Cell Breakthrough

Well-Educated Women Breaking Glass Ceiling of Home

Statement by Fred Thompson on Adult Stem Cell Research Breakthrough

Religious Broadcasters Oppose FCC Pressure to Force Cable into Pay-Per-Channel

Second Amendment Scholar and Documentary Producer Hails Supreme Court Decision

Operation Rescue 20th Anniversary Convention

Remarks by the President at the Pardoning of the National Thanksgiving Turkey

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