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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters and Federal Aviation Administration Acting Administrator Bobby Sturgell

National Pro-Life Religious Council: Proposed California Assisted Suicide Group Demonstrates False Compassion

Abortion Death Reported in Massachusetts

Vote Life, Canada! Calls on the Catholic Bishops of Canada to Join their Fellow US Bishops in Supporting the Nationwide 40 Days for Life Campaign Aimed at Ending Abortion

Senate Defense Bill Accuses Military of Being Rife with Bigots

Pix Power, LLC Signs WDC Media as Agency of Record

Statement by the President on the Situation in Burma

Remarks by the President at Signing of H.R. 2669 - College Cost Reduction and Access Act

'Grace to You' Television Program with John MacArthur Launches in Major U.S. Markets

Sky Angel to Air Extraordinary Health with Jordan Rubin

Former Miss Atlantic City Comments on Closing of Filthy New Jersey Abortion Mill

CAA Urges Chinese Government to Release Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng and his Family Members

New Restriction Imposed by Beijing PSB Against Unregistered Religious Activities; Two House Church Leaders Detained in Xinjiang

Noah Images Uncovered in Ancient Greek Art

The Love Story That Took 30 Years to Tell

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ICL Urges Bishop Driscoll to Intervene

Filthy New Jersey Abortion Mill Surrenders License, Moves Out

An Open Letter from Morality in Media President Bob Peters to NY Post Editor-in-Chief Col Allan: Why I Stopped Reading the NY Post

'Destiny's Team' -- A Dramatic New Novel from Anomalos Publishing Raises Cultural and Life Issues Facing America

Alliance Churches Impact U.S. Communities

Mission Aviation Fellowship Names New President, John Boyd to Succeed Kevin Swanson in January

Bizarre: Methodist Lobby Office Urges Anti-Israel Divestment Against Caterpillar Tractor

Governor Eliot Spitzer Added to 'Choose Life' Federal Lawsuit

Faith-based Real Estate Expert Foresees Down Turn in Economy

National Pro-Life Leader Joins Roster of VIPs at Schenck Anniversary

The Wumblers Add Another Stitch to their Licensing Quilt

Pro-Life Advocates Poised to Participate in Groundbreaking, Nationwide 40 Days for Life Campaign

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Recognizing God at Work: Stories of Everyday Grace

Grandma Answered Lord's Call at 70!

St. Paul?s Chapel is First to Make Worship Pledge

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