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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Are Congregants Paying for the Word of God

Crown Financial Ministries Names New CEO

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Howard of Australia in Joint Press Availability

The Wumblers Partner with The Learning Journey International for Toys

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

IHOP-KC Conference LIVE on GOD TV

Rad Radio Makes Debut - Sitcom with Faith-Based Message

Joyce Meyer Ministries Announces Column Syndication

Joyce Meyer Ministries Touches Nation of Cambodia

Drugs Stops an Athlete's Heart for 11 Minutes

Creator of The Wumblers Pays Tribute to the Media for their Unyielding Support

N. Y. Times Best Selling Author Jordan Rubin Unveils Three New Books

New Resource for Helping Children with Reading Difficulties

Monday, September 03, 2007

Remarks by President Bush to the Troops

Remarks by President Bush After Meeting with Prime Minister Maliki and Iraqi Leaders

Botched Abortion Victim Sues Planned Parenthood Abortionist

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Kansas Agencies Pass the Buck at Abortion Hearings

Friday, August 31, 2007

Presidential Message Celebrating Labor Day

Statement by the President

National Outreach Convention Announces Theme; Keynote Speakers

Sen. Craig's Example Proves ? Sexual Morality Matters

Statement by the President

Remarks by the President, Press Secretary Tony Snow, and Deputy Press Secretary Dana Perino at Announcement of Resignation of Tony Snow and Announcement of Dana Perino as Press Secretary

Over 2,200 Dead in India: India Partners Continues Flood Relief

LIRS Celebrates Release of Children, Improved Conditions Recommended in LIRS Report

Controversy Intensifies Between Christians and Mormons Over New Movie, September Dawn, Released August 24

Judicial Activist Rules Iowa Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional

Values Voter Presidential Debate

Liberty Counsel Responds to California's Failure to Vigorously Defend Marriage Laws

Interview of the President by David Speers, Sky News

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