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Friday, August 31, 2007

Interview of the President by Kensuke Okoshi, NHK Japan

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Clock Running Out on Episcopal Church: One Month to Go

Americans For Truth Says Sen. Craig Should Resign, Cites Homosexual Groups for 'Enabling and Promoting' Homosexual Public Sex

Tiller Demands Special Treatment at Trial

Cause and Effect - Shortchanging Philanthropy for Short-Term Gain

Labor Day -- Unions Must Reflect on Interests of Latino Workers

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

64 Hour Live Labor Day Weekend Marathon on Gospel Music Channel

Values Voter Presidential Debate -- September 17, 2007 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

National Council of Churches General Secretary Solidified Finances, Not Ecumenism

What Senator Craig Should Do

Holy Land Experience President Thomas E. Powell Resigns After Successful Transition of Holy Land Experience to Trinity Broadcasting Network

20th Annual Totus Tuus 'Consecrate Them in Truth' Family Conference at Catholic Familyland Focuses on Faith and Family, Featuring Vatican Official - Francis Cardinal Arinze, Among Other Defenders of the Faith and Family, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R

Is Senator Larry Craig 'Gay'? Former 'Gay' Man Offers Unique Insight

Tiller's Criminal Abortions Subject of Interim Legislative Hearings

Minority Enterprise Development Week, 2007; By the President of the United States of America -- A Proclamation

Statement of CWA on the Retirement of Dr. D. James Kennedy

Alliance Camp Brings Hope to U.S. AIDS Orphans

New Ebook Helps Church Fundraising

Vermont Same-Sex Civil Unions Argued At Virginia Supreme Court

Hymnserve Offers Digital Downloads

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court is Site of Texas Execution Protest

American Bible Society's Delores Burnett Honored by Gospel Today Magazine

Illinois School Guilty of Educational Malpractice

Sky Angel Airing Series of Answers in Genesis Specials

CityTeam's Disaster Response Team Still Needs Volunteers on the 2nd Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Christian Coalition of America Names New Leader in North Carolina

Michael Vick Abusing 'Jesus' Name, Says Black Minister

The Wumblers Have Gone Interactive

Ron Paul on God, Government, Abortion, Homosexuality, The Draft, Why he Stays in the GOP and More -- An Exclusive Interview by 'The American View'

Tuscarora Multimedia Sponsors a Concert Series to Support Our Troops

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