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Monday, February 15, 2021

Cornelius Muller Productions Releases its New Film Exclusively on Pure Flix

Faith Organization Calls for 8ft Razor Wire Covered Fence and Armed Troops to be Removed from Surrounding the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

Coptic Solidarity Applauds Bi-Partisan Resolution for Coptic Equality in Egypt

Friday, February 12, 2021

Maine Church Goes to SCOTUS

Larry Flynt Was No Free Speech Hero

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Author Points to Healer for Women Whose Valentine's Day isn't Pink Hearts and Flowers -- But Instead a Reminder of Black and Blue

Alabama House Passes HJR24 Recognizing January 22 as the Day of Tears

Gospel for Asia Calls for Prayer for 'Unity, Holiness, End to Pandemic' During 'Great' Lent

'Return' Offers Parents a Game Plan for Bringing Their Children Back to the Catholic Faith

Abortion is Not Safe: New Video Documents 67 Abortion-Related Medical Emergencies and 1 Maternal Death in 2020

African Booksellers Fed and Encouraged During the COVID Crisis

Christian Community Credit Union Members Donate Over $25,000 Worth of Reward Points

2021 Weight Loss Goals Can Still be Achieved With the Help of This Unique New Motivational Book

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

FRC's Mary Szoch Submits Testimony on Connecticut Bill Targeting Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Demonizing White Christians

This is National Marriage Week Which Launches New COVID Guide to Helping Marriages

The Trinity Mystery Kept Secret from the Ages, Now Revealed

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

ChinaAid Welcomes Kazakh Refugee Family

Ascension Founder Matthew Pinto Passes Torch to COO Jonathan Strate

Nero 666 Was Not the Antichrist of Revelation

ACSI Unites Educators Around the World in Annual Day of Prayer for Christian Schools

During Pandemic, Heroes Cast 'Love Lifeline' to Russia's Unwanted Kids

New Series of Christian Novels Ideal Reading for Lent, Easter

Can True and Real Friendship Exist in Today's Society?

Monday, February 08, 2021

Deaf Author and Educator Bridges the Communication Barrier in Deaf Fiction and Brings Awareness to Faith-Based Communities

Resistance to Pope's Pleas Growing in U.S.

Friday, February 05, 2021

VA Church Goes Back to Appeals Court

AP Upset that Catholic Church Got PPP Funds

Thursday, February 04, 2021

Sasse Statement on Born-Alive Floor Vote

During National Marriage Week, Cornerstone Marriage & Family Ministries Will Release its COVID Guide for Helping Marriages in Crisis

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