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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jezebel Rose Up Against Authority and Was Arrested

The Minnesota Supreme Court Overturns Convictions of Pro-Lifers Who Held Graphic Signs

Churches and Other Faith-Based Organizations Eligible for Data Recovery Discounts

Wichita Awakening Concludes With Praise for Spared Life

Annual 'Friend or Foe' Graduation Prayer Campaign Finishes Fifth Successful Season

MOTE Workshop Prepares 300 Church Leaders in Santo Domingo for Effective Prison Ministry and Sets the Stage for Senator?s Forgiveness of Brother?s Murderer

Monday, July 16, 2007

Senator's Use of Defense Funding Bill to Pass 'Hate Crimes' Proposal Called 'Reckless'

Minister Arrested for Reading Verse at Abortionist's Church

Priests for Life to Launch Humanae Vitae Observance

Prayer Siege in Progress at Late-Term Abortion Mill

GOD TV and IHOP-KC Unite to Take 24/7 Prayer to the Nations

Inspirational Life to Air Gina D Programs

Luis Palau Festival Rocks the Heartland

A Warning to America

Praise and Worship Service Focuses on Repentance for Sin of Abortion

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Five Hundred Pray for End to Abortion at Troubled Late-Term Clinic

Is Harry Potter the Son of God?

'The Life By Design Empowerment Center' Opens in NYC Today

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Three House Church Buildings in Zhejiang Facing Imminent Destruction by Government

Friday, July 13, 2007

Dr. Alveda King to Rev. Al Sharpton: 'Look at the Greatest Assault on the Dignity of Black Women'

Is Islam a Religion of Peace

World Congress of Families Commends Organizers of Ireland's 'Celebrate Life' Rally

Remarks by the President after Video Teleconference with Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Team Leaders, Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team Leaders, and Brigade Combat Commanders

Former 2nd Vice President of The Southern Baptist Convention Objects to the U.S. Senate Being Opened in the Name of Transcendental Meditation

Bill O'Reilly Makes Tiller Household Name - Schenck to Lead Vigil at Notorious Abortuary

ECFA Creates New 'Church Division'

Worlds First Christian Sit-Com, Pastor Greg, Begins Shooting Season Three Which will Air on TBN with Romance and Seasoned Actors

Enslaving Women One Pill at a Time

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Than Half of Adult Americans Say the FCC Should Have Authority to Fine Major TV Networks for Airing a Single Expletive

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