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Friday, June 29, 2007

Presidential Message Celebrating Independence Day

'Yet Another Murder of a Mother and Unborn Child' Says Day Gardner, of National Black Pro-Life Union

Vision Forum Honors Chris Klicka with Captain John Smith Quadricenntennial Award

Women in Spiritual Need Conference

Wherever You are, by Webcast, You May Attend, in Real-Time, 'God & Country Patriotic Celebration & Conference' Featuring Roy S. Moore

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pro-Life Internet Portal Changes its Focus

Trinity Broadcasting Network to Air World Premier of Award Winning Movie 'I Flunked Sunday School' July 7

Tiller Charged with 19 Criminal Counts

Statement by the President on Immigration

Two Local Businessmen Offer: A 'Taste' of Missions 2007

The Pontius Pilate Listening Syndrome

Remarks by the President in Nomination of Admiral Michael Mullen and General James Cartwright to Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Christian Cinema Network Offers Ministries Fundraising Opportunities through Faith Based Films

'They Have Stolen the Nights of Baghdad from Us'

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pro-Life Teachers, Parents and Students to Picket NEA Teacher Convention

Dr. R. Dandridge Collins Releases New Book 'The Trauma Zone - Trusting God for Emotional Healing'

Injustice Continues: Morrison Clears Tiller of 15 Reporting Charges in Illegal Abortion Case

Grassroots Citizens, Undeterred by First Cloture Vote, Continue to Press for 'No Amnesty'

U.S. Department of Labor Awards $3.8 Million to 73 Faith-Based and Community Organizations Making Career Connections

Remarks by President Bush at Rededication Ceremony of The Islamic Center of Washington

From 'Snoop Dog' to 'Lap Dog'

Vision Forum Honors AiG's Ken Ham with George Washington Man of the Year Award

Farah on: Iraq, Immigration, Hamas - Fatah and Murdoch

'Troops Need You' Earns Unprecedented Partnership with US Command in Iraq

Black Caucus Accused of Selling Out Black Citizens on Immigration

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Eight House Church Leaders Detained in Shandong and Shaanxi Provinces

Pro-Homosexual Bill Advances in California

Kansas AG Morrison Clears Planned Parenthood in Abortion Records Investigation

Update: The Global Sex Trade In Nepal

Incidents Show Abortions Out of Control in Kansas

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