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Monday, June 11, 2007

Balancing the Stress-Filled Life

New Authors Sought by Book Publisher

Enough of the ACLU, Says the American People

Bible Quotes, Devotions, and Prayer Requests go Mobile

Dr. Alveda King to Congressman Rangel: 'Save the Babies, Save Social Security'

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Remarks by President Bush at Roundtable on Humanitarian and Volunteer Efforts

Friday, June 08, 2007


Remarks by President Bush and President Kaczynski of Poland in Joint Statement

The U.S. Congress and Stem Cell Research: Some Are Listening

Lutheran Leaders' Message on Immigration Reform: 'Now, Get it Right'

Sky Angel Transitions to IPTV

Trinity Broadcasting Network Acquisition Of 'Holy Land Experience' Theme Park Seeks To Change More Lives

Knights of Columbus Sets New Records for Charitable Giving, Volunteer Service

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

iBakeSale.com Rewards Fathers Who Care ? With Cash Back For Their Children & Community

Planned Parenthood Budget Continues To Rise, But Pace Slows

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Mandatory HPV Vaccine Bill Advances

Assisted Suicide Bill Dies Peacefully in California Assembly

Christian Legal Society Applauds the President's Announced Intention to Again Veto the Latest Unnecessary Human Embryo Destruction Bill

The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity Calls for a Veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007

Statement by the President Regarding Embryonic Stem Cell Bill

Sex Ed Fundraiser to Feature Stripper

Scarborough Judges Fred Thompson's Wife By Porn Standards

Remarks of President Bush and President Vladimir Putin of Russia in Photo Opportunity

Statement of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Regarding Kathy Griffin's Attack on Secretary Rice on ABC's 'The View'

Christian Women Launch New Company Dedicated to Helping Others Facing Difficult Health Situations; Founders Rely on Personal, Professional and Spiritual Experiences to Help Create Compassionate Responses

The Secret Attracts Opposition

CWA Urges Bangladesh to Release Trafficking Diplomat From House Arrest

Tonkowich Testifies Before Senate on Global Warming

Pharmacists to be Punished $500,000 For Acting on Their Conscience

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