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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair of the United Kingdom in Photo Opportunity

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Even Great-Grandmas Can Write Mystery Romance

Dr. Alveda King Says Sen. Obama's 'Quiet Riot' Comment Misses the Point

Surprise Vote in U.S. House Today on Bill to Legitimize Human Cloning

Rev. Peterson: Slavery Apology Will Not Solve the Moral Crisis within Black America

Remarks by President Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Photo Opportunity

Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2007; By the President of the United States of America -- A Proclamation

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Homosexual Marriage Approved by California Assembly

'We Need Alan Keyes for President' Website Launched

Morality in Media President Says Federal Court Decision Invalidating the New FCC Policy on 'Fleeting Expletives' Could Have Been Worse and FCC Should Welcome the Opportunity to Justify its Decision

Reaching the Lost with Less Cost

Veterans Chamber of Commerce Members Veterans Incarcerated

Bangladesh Government Places UN Special Rapporteur for Trafficking Under Equivalent of House Arrest

Remarks by the President in Prague, Czech Republic

Falwell Legal Director Joins Evangelical Conservatives at Forum Today

Remarks by President Bush, President Klaus of the Czech Republic and Prime Minister Topolanek of the Czech Republic in a Joint Statement

State Sponsored Sodomy Dishonors Marriage

Beijing House Church Activist Hua Huiqi Sentenced to 6 Months Secretly

Monday, June 04, 2007

CNN Presidential Forum on Faith, Values and Poverty 'A Sham'

Death Threat Turns into Opportunity

TBN Names Tim and Carla White?s Program 'We Stick Together Like Glue' Winner of the INNOVATE Contest

Spiritual Cinema Network Signs WDC Media as Agency Of Record

IRD President Testifies Before Senate 'Religious Organizations' Views on Global Warming

Convergence Conference Sets Press Conference

Ray Comfort and Living Waters Publications Signs WDC Media as Agency of Record

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Calls for Hemispheric Unity Among Catholics

Sex Ed Promoters May End Parent-Supported Abstinence Program

Uganda: More Than 30,000 Children Kidnapped; Now One has a Voice

Medical Journal: Flawed Study Underestimated Breast Cancer Risk of Abortion

Neufeld Declares Efforts to Charge Tiller a 'Witch Hunt' -- Attacks Pro-life Legislators and Operation Rescue

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