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Monday, April 30, 2007

HLI Applauds Stand by St. Louis Archbishop

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Remarks by President Bush at Miami Dade College Commencement Address

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Scripture Gets Northern Exposure with New York City Bluegrass Gospel Band

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Pocket Testament League Celebrates Long Ministry History with Virtual Museum

Missing Bees, Cell Phones and Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Joint Press Availability

Tele-Group Will Coach Wives on Responding to a Husband's Struggle with Homosexuality or Sex Addiction: 'This Marriage Can Be Saved!'

World Congress of Families Slams European Parliament for Resolution Condemning Poland

Tyra Banks says 'So What!' We say 'I Am RLSW?' The Real Life Size Women's Network Launches Free Fashion Portal that Never Sleeps

CWA Applauds FCC's Report on Violent Television

US Capitol Bible Marathon Kick-Off to be Live Streamed

Black Leaders to Blame for 'Stop Snitchin'' Epidemic Says Rev. Peterson

Democratic Candidates Betray Faith Community and the Will of the American People with Their Support of Partial-Birth Abortion

Amid Controversy, United Methodist Church's Council of Bishops Gather

Helping Orphans in Kenya, a San Diego Church Sends 40 Foot Container of Supplies and Team of Volunteers

Two Weeks to World Congress of Families IV ? Largest International Pro-Family Gathering

Scripture Gets Northern Exposure with New York City Bluegrass Gospel Band

Congress Should Slash Funds of Virginia Tech and Other Colleges for Undermining Right to Self-Defense, says Gun Rights Advocate

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity Applauds House Approval of the 'Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007'

Let's Take Back Our Schools

Morality in Media President Says FCC is to be Commended for Its Report on TV Violence, but a Constitutional Amendment May be Needed to Protect Children from Violent Entertainment

Policy Council Files Suit Against South Florida Police for Violation of First Amendment Rights

Rich Diet, Poor Diet? New Book Shows How to Get Trim on a Slim Budget

Alec Baldwin's Tirade Ignites a Father/Daughter Restoration Movement

CWA: 'Hate Crimes' -- Unequal Protection Under the Law

Remarks by the President and the First Lady to 2007 National and State Teachers of the Year

Best-selling Author Will 'Prove' God's Existence

'Displace Me. Crackers, Water, Cardboard? Child Soldiers'

New Charges Sought Against KS Abortionists in Light of Supreme Court Ruling

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