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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Homosexual Prelates Add An Extra Risk Factors in Catholic Diocesan Bankruptcy Cases

Stewardship Partners' Rusty Leonard to be Featured on ABC's '20/20'

American Coptic Union Calls for U.S. Sanctions Against Egypt

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust to Hold 10th Annual Pro-Life Boot Camp

Bible Literacy Project Corrections to Bible Textbook are Non Sequitur

Best Selling Author of 'Gianna: Aborted and Lived to Tell About It' Releases New Pro-Life Novel

Monday, March 19, 2007

Wife of a House Church Leader Sentenced to Ten Days Detention

Abortion Proposal in Mexico City is Misguided Says Supreme Knight

Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, New Edition Available

Heartbeat Briefs Congress on Pregnancy Center Work

NY Author and Prison Ministries Leader Uses Fiction to Teach Others to Overcome their Past and Live for the Future

International Aid Launches Global Safe Water Initiative, Unveils Portable Biosand Filter for Use in Developing World

Dr. Albert Mohler, A 'Gay' Gene and The 'Cure' for Homosexuality

The Following Message Does Not Reflect the Attitudes and Beliefs of this Station

World Premiere of New Film Featuring Major League Baseball Players and Faith Opens in Phoenix

Martha Washington for President: Saluting First Ladies During Women's History Month

Barbara Metzler, California's Woman of the Year, 2007 Will Discuss Turning Compassion Into Action

Press Conference to Announce Largest International Pro-Family Gathering and Participation of Polish President, Lech Kaczynski

Two New Documentaries Combine Science, Scripture to Prove Historical Jesus

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Schenck Asked by Washington Post About Cure to Homosexuality

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation

Friday, March 16, 2007

Senior Church Leader Released After Ten Days of Detention; Jailed Beijing Christian Appeals for Re-trial

Religious 'Peace' March Tonight Fails to Connect With Reality

IRD Supports Sudanese Presbyterian Claims Against Talisman

CWA of Iowa Opposes SF 413, the So Called 'Fair Share Bill'

Vision Forum's Doug Phillips Debuts Jamestown Jubilee Weekly Column on WorldNetDaily

Remarks by the President and Prime Minister Berite Ahern of Ireland in Shamrock Ceremony

Remarks by the President Upon Meeting with the President's Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors

Former Miss Delaware, Now President of the National Black Pro-Life Union Comments on Miss Jamaica World 2006 Relinquishing Her Crown Due to Pregnancy

Support for Resolution to Charge Abortionist Tiller Grows Nationwide

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