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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Website Enables Virtual Volunteering and Virtual Missionaries

MIM President Responds to Bill O'Reilly's Comment that "Adults should be able to consume so-called 'adult entertainment' without government intrusion"

CWA: School Tells Kids to Hide Pro-'Gay' Propaganda from Parents

National Clergy Council Defends Gen. Pace

Could Hand and Iris Scanning Techniques be the Forerunners to a Worldwide Identification System Leading to the Prophetic 'Mark of the Beast'

Gen. Pace Should Not Apologize to Gays; Just Telling the Truth

Patient Rights Advocate Who Changed Medical Malpractice Law in California, Offers 25 Tips to Empower Patients to Take Responsibility for Their Own Lives

New Novel Helps Teenagers Deal with Death of Parent

Introducing New International Evangelical Catholic Television Network

Crucifix by Michelangelo Inspires Renaissance Scholar Angelo Boccardelli to Formulate the Language of Signs and Forms

A Life of Adoption, Abuse, Recovery, Salvation and Reunion

Monday, March 12, 2007

Pray for LA 5K Invites Prayer for Los Angeles

IRD Committee Asks PCUSA Stated Clerk Not to Run Again

AP Poll Scary for True Conservatives

Ohio Group Launches 'ChargeTiller.com' Website

Why Has the Church Abandoned the Political Battlefield in America

Historic Pro-Troop Caravan Crosses Nation

'American Idol' Criticized For 'Giving Back' Through Deadly Groups

Zell Miller Has it Right, Abortion Causes Millions to Be Missing from America

Special Letters to Children Bond Relationships

70 Days After New Year's -- Where is Your Diet?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation

Friday, March 09, 2007

Remarks by the President in a Community Roundtable

Author Offers 7 Positions for Soaring to New Heights

Remarks by President Bush and President Lula of Brazil in a Joint Press Availability

New Stephen Prothero book, 'Religious Literacy,' Supports Approach of New Student Textbook for Public Schools, 'The Bible and Its Influence'

Christian Book Publisher Seeks New Authors

New York Times Features Raise Him Up Praise Dance School in 'Praise Dancing Hits Manhattan'

National Priests Leader Applauds Mississippi Abortion Legislation; Urges Governor's Approval

'Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie' Special Airing This Saturday, March 10th on TBN

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