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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Mississippi Elected Officials

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Gulf Coast Grant Recipients

Abortion Mill Closed Temporarily After Botched Abortion

Women Speak Out on Sex Selected Abortion at UN Conference

National Bereaved Parent, Sibling Organization Recognizes 81 Compassionate Employers

Students Uncover Intellectual Bias and Discrimination at Boise State University

End Of Times Radio Goes Satellite

Tax Deductions You Can Use After the December Deadline Could Make a Big Difference in Your Bottom Line

Documentary Producer Challenges 'The Lost Tomb of Christ' Movie

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Infinity Concepts Adds Account Manager

Pastor and Life Coach Paula White Encourages Personal Empowerment Through 'Life By Design' Conference March 8-10 in Tampa, Fl

Theologian Jim Cronfel Addresses Systematic Annihilationism in his New Book 'Eternal Christianity'

Christian Medical Association Lauds Anti-Prostitution Pledge Ruling

Women's History Month, 2007; By the President of the United States of America -- A Proclamation

Catholic University Officials Gather for 'City on a Hill' Symposium

Brownback Urges Release of Israeli Hostages

Former Oakland Raider Now Coaches Women How to Find the Right Mate

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

U.S. Religious Leaders Encourage Talks Between Hitler & Roosevelt -- Give Assurances Hitler Will Not Seek to Extend German Borders

IRD Promotes 'Amazing Grace' -- Criticizes Jesus Tomb Documentary

Xenon Pictures' The Da Vinci Hoax Debunks the Code

Joyce Meyer Ministries Announces New Partnership with Leading Christian Musicians

Complaint Filed Against Kansas Abortionist for Concealing Child Rape

Another Bogus Claim Against Christianity

Floods Ravage Central Mozambique

Luis Palau Brings Major Festival to Tampa Bay

Monday, February 26, 2007

EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers of NYC Launches 'Operation FrontLine' in the South Bronx -- First Free Mobile Pro-Life Ultrasound Unit in a Major US City

Legislator Introduces Outrageous Homosexual Bill

Beijing Elderly Christian Sentenced to Two Years Imprisonment

Ten Reasons Why The Jesus Tomb Claim is Bogus

Response to Growing Interest in Anti-Slavery Hero William Wilberforce

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