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Monday, February 26, 2007

Remarks by President Bush at Presentation of Medal of Honor

Catholics This Week Commemorate St. Gabriel Possenti

CWA Releases Report on Feds' Failed Obscenity Enforcement

OPINION: Amazing Grace Needed Today

California Rock Star Sways Iowa Cloning Vote

Islam is Responsible Says Former Sultan Ali El-Shariff, Now in So. California

TV Special on Jesus' Grave -- Another Hoax

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Black Man and Islam

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation

Friday, February 23, 2007

Opponents of Fetal Pain Bill Deny Compassion to the Unborn Says National Priests Leader

IRD Commends Primates, Calls on Episcopal Church to Meet Requests

The Movement That's Destined to Change Lives -- Are You in Position to Receive

Methodist Bishops Playing at Left-Wing Politics

Abortion Bill Denies Parents' Rights Says National Priests Leader

Anti-Spanking Bill Introduced in Assembly

Fr. Pavone Praises Mississippi House for Abortion Legislation

Conservative Christian Group Responds to Film Claiming Proof Against Jesus' Resurrection

Remarks by the President at Demonstration of Alternative Fuel Automobiles

California Rock Star Sways Iowa Cloning Vote

Fr. Pavone Praises House Committee's Endorsement of Ultrasound Legislation

Baseball Star Pierre Receives First-Ever 'Champions of Faith' Award

Wilberforce: A Model for Today's Grassroots Activists

Internationally Renowned Author and Inspirational Speaker Paula White Joins Donald Trump, Tony Robbins for Motivational Expo in Atlanta

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bill Introduced to Criminalize Many Parents Who Spank

Book's Sequel Cites Explicit Evidence Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation

He Could Have Been A Wilberforce

'Amazing Grace' Movie is 'A Rallying Call to Combat Modern Slavery' says World Vision Expert

Fr. Pavone Comments on South Dakota Committee Action on Abortion Bill

CWA: Suspension of HPV Vaccine Campaign Does Not End Push for Mandates

Renowned Life Coach 'Paula White' Offers Transformational Advice to Young, Hurting, Promiscuous Women on 'The Tyra Banks Show' Today

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