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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Promising Surfer, Shark-Attack Victim and Bestselling Christian Author Details Her Return to the Water in New Documentary from Walking On Water Films

Remarks by President Bush on the State of the Economy

'Cross Purposes' -- Take an Unprecedented Journey to the Very Core of Faith

New Year's Resolution: Less Space, More Face

South Dakota Reintroduces Abortion Ban with Stiffer Penalties

Political Correctness Runs Wild on Capitol Hill with New Congressional Leadership in Place; Anti-War Protestors Spray-Paint the United States Capitol with No Arrests

Global Fast Gets Rave Reviews at Sundance

Coffee Lover, Jean 'Notewell' Williams, Knows Beans about Java and Jesus

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Salute to Catholic Schools Celebrated Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2007

Remarks by the President on the Economy

Remarks by President Bush to the Travel Pool After Breakfast with Small Business Leaders

PeoplePray.com Launches Paving the Way for the Intercession Superhighway

Effective, Consistent Communication Increases Church Attendance, Creates Loyalty and Builds Community

This Super Sunday, the Colts Face the Bears: and Christians are all About Facing the Giants

Will the World Muslim League Respond

2006 Annual Persecution Report Released; Bob Fu Testifies Before US Commission on International Religious Freedom

FRC Demands Answers on Capitol Hill Vandalism

Collegiate Pro-life Group Considers Walk Across Canada

Monday, January 29, 2007

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Members of Securing America's Future Energy

Statement by the President

Family Institute of Connecticut Action to Hold Press Conference to Launch 2007 Protect Marriage Campaign

Drastic Murder Rate Decline in Washington D.C. After Prayer Vigil

Former Witch and Christian Author Featured on The Tyra Banks Show

CWA: Political Correctness Endangers Child; Youngest Boy in History to Undergo Sex Change

At ABC TV, Protecting the Sensibilities of Gay Adults in the Workplace is More Important than Protecting Children in the Audience, Says Morality in Media

Stonewalling in Tiller Case Reminiscent of 1964 Mississippi Murder Case

Weldon Amendment Challenge by CA is Reverse Discrimination

Christians in Champaign County, IL, Issue a Friendly Challenge to Churches Across the U.S.: 'Increase Missions and We'll Match It!'

International Congress on Preaching Planned for April 2007 in Cambridge, United Kingdom

Exciting Biblical Docu-Drama ?As It Was? Debuts Feb. 2nd on TBN

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