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Friday, August 18, 2006

Conservative Leaders to Hold Pro-Family Rally at California Republican Party Convention

Embargoed Until August 22: Priests for Life Announces Groundbreaking for New Community of Priests and Laity to End Abortion

Abortion Amendment Act Struck Down by Constitutional Court in South Africa

Remarks by President Bush After Meeting with Economic Advisors

New TV Special Links Darwin to Hitler

CWA: Study Shows Parents Are Not Aware of Teen Risks

Priests for Life Urges Partial-Birth Abortion Educational Activity

Focus on the Family Brings The Truth Project(TM) to Boston

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Fr. Pavone on Florida Clinic Closings: More Evidence that Abortion Remains the Most Unregulated Industry

Christian Coalition Commends Congress for Passing and President Bush for Signing New Pension Reform Law

International Pro-Life Leader Continues to Call on President Bush to Rescind Dr. von Eschenbach's Nomination to Head FDA

Father Pavone Joins Randall Terry in Effort to Defeat Florida State Senator Jim King in Republican Primary, September 5

Report: Congress Falls Short in Effort to End Darfur Genocide

Florida Closes Two Orlando Abortion Mills, Suspends Abortionist Pendergraft's License

Abortion Industry's Cover Blown

Grand Jury Leaves Unanswered Questions in Abortion Death

Illinois Family Institute Announces David Smith as New Executive Director as LaBarbera Launches National Group to Counter 'Gay' Agenda

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Taking On The Public School System

ASL Bible Available for Deaf Through New Technology

Homeschool Teen Replaces His Dad's Income

CWA Warns Christians: 'Don't be Easy to Dupe'

Legion: Common Sense Prevails in California War Memorial Transfer to Feds

CWA Media Alert: New Jersey Court to Rule on Marriage

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

More Than 1,100 Attend Vision Forum?s First-Ever Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for Christian Families

Conservative Leaders to Hold Pro-Family Rally at California Republican Party Convention

Current Middle East Events Depicted in Expert's Books

CWA Exposes Misguided NCC Attempt to Eradicate Poverty

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Counterterrorism Team

Montgomery Abortion Facility License Suspended

CWA Calls for Withdrawal of FDA Commissioner?s Nomination; American Women Deserve Better

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