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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Montgomery Abortion Facility License Suspended

CWA Calls for Withdrawal of FDA Commissioner?s Nomination; American Women Deserve Better

"Unidentified" a New Movie About UFOs to Open Wider in Theaters

"Gut Feeling" From Grand Jury Source: "There Is A Major Cover-up"

Monday, August 14, 2006

Remarks by the President on Foreign Policy

Pastors Face Jail For Comparing Islam With Christianity

The Idaho Supreme Court Paves the Way for the Nation's First Voter Initiative on the Public Display of the Ten Commandments

Rick and Kay Warren Challenge Church Leaders to Play a More Vital Role in the Global AIDS Response By Leveraging Their Unique Resources

Remarks by the President Before Meeting with the Secretary of Defense and Defense Policy and Programs Team

Grand Jury Source: Abortionists Tiller and Carhart Dodged Grand Jury

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Considering Homeschooling Celebrates 5th Birthday of Homeschool Evangelism to Young Christian Families

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation for August 12

College Students Complete 12th Annual Summer Walks Across America

Friday, August 11, 2006

Court Martial Hearing for Prayer in America Begins Monday Morning

Execution of Christians Stayed For One Week

Lutheran Presiding Bishop Asks U.S. Religious Leaders to Call for Mideast Peace

Fr. Pavone on Alabama Abortion Clinics: More Regulations, More Enforcement

Four Missionaries Tortured in Yunan Province

Statement by President Bush Condemning the Targeting of Innocent Civilians in Najaf

CMA Doctors: FDA Move to Allow 'Plan B' Without a Prescription is Unsafe and Unwise

Catholic Media Network Celebrates 25 Years of Miracles

Campaign Comedy: 'Spoof Endorsements' of Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy for Republican State Senator Jim King in his Race Against Randall Terry

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Becket Fund to Appeal IFI Case in Federal Court

Catholic Leader Calls on President Bush to Withdraw Nomination of Dr. von Eschenbach to Head FDA

Remarks by President Bush upon Arrival in Wisconsin

35% of Foster-Parent Molestations Homosexual

Father Frank Pavone Announces Support For Revelation Generation Christian Summer Music Festival

Schenck Elected to Third Term with Evangelical Church Alliance

National Pro-Life Leader Rallies Supporters to Defeat Abortion Status Quo at Weekend Event

National Embryo Donation Center Available for Comment on Embryo Donation and Adoption

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