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Thursday, February 21, 2019

PP Videos Will be Shown in Court

Jussie Smollett's Hate

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Faith and Pro-life Organizations to Challenge Governor Northam on His Radical and Extremist Support of Late-term Abortion and Infanticide

Orange County Board of Education Files Motion to Intervene in 9th Circuit School Board Prayer Case

Will Graham, Grandson of Evangelist Billy Graham, Returns to the Philippines for Eight-day 'Greater Pangasinan-Metro Manila Celebration with Will Graham'

ParishSOFT Gives $6,000 in Scholarships to Parishes

Christianity Today Appoints Timothy Dalrymple as New President/CEO

'Trauma Toys' Bring Peace to Children Fleeing ISIS

Israel Wayne Recipient of the 2018 Dr. Robert Dreyfus Courageous Christian Leadership Award

Jesus Heals Church Abuse Victim

GiveSendGo Acquires FaithLauncher

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

New North American Military Website for Worldwide Marriage Encounter Released

Judicial Watch Sues for 'Coup' Documents

Grassroots 'Day Of Mourning' Sold Out and Spreads to Twenty More Cities and Rising

'Unnecessary Noise' Charge Against Evangelist Dismissed

What Would C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Rev. Billy Graham Say About the Eucharist if They Got Together?

Monday, February 18, 2019

Growing Deception Among Christians Addressed by Miami Pastor

Punctured Heart Leads to 'Praying As One' Christian Cross Company

Rosary Coast to Coast Returns in 2019; Initiated with 54 Day Novena for Reparation

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Protest/Street Theater at St. Patrick Cathedral, Sunday 2/17 Christ, Cuomo, Satan, and Cardinal Dolan

Friday, February 15, 2019

Nominations Now Being Received for the 2019 Longest Married Couple Project Sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Will the Real Christian Please Stand Up? New Release Defines the Characteristics of a Christian

Judicial Watch: Docs Reveal FBI Cover Up of 'Chart' of Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton

Senate Will Have Roll Call Vote on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

Street Theatre in NYC: Christ, Satan, Cuomo...and Trump -- Cuomo and Satan Team Up Against Trump and Christ -- Guess Who Wins?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Evangelist Alveda King: POTUS Shows Love Today as Movies, Prisoners, Babies and Politics 'Lit' the Wire

Catholic Answers Partners with 5 Stones

John M. Perkins to Receive Biola University's Colson Conviction and Courage Award

Christian Psychologist Dr. Alduan Tartt Launches Seven Day Prayer Challenge to Help Couples Avoid Divorce

Catholics Challenge Pro-Abortion Politicians

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