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Friday, September 07, 2018

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Celebrate Centennial of First Mission Sending

'The Miracle Baby Thomas Story' is Released from Pro-Life Champions, the Producers of the 40 Film and the Shout My Story Pro-Life Campaign

Revival Fires are Turning the Tide in Europe

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Relics of Christ's Passion Coming to Lake Charles

Former WWME North American Ecclesial Team Featured on Upcoming EWTN Show

ChristianCinema.com Releasing Muhammad in His Own Words on Friday, 9/7 -- Embargoed Screening Here

Literacy Training -- the Life-Transforming Tool That is Impacting Communities

No -- We Are Not Divided America

Talk-Show Seeks to Launch a Flat-Earther into Space

In a World of Rising Health Care Prices, Samaritan Ministries Members' Shares Have Not Increased for Two Years

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Evangelist Luis Palau and Son Andrew Join 435 Churches in West Michigan to Host Massive Evangelistic Campaign

Foundation for Moral Law Sends Memorandum to Schools on Prayer at Football Games

California Assembly Bill Banning Counseling for Sexual Orientation Change Now on Hold

'Listen! When He Hears a Certain Report, I Will Make Him Want to Return to His Own Country...' Isaiah 37:7

Kairos Prison Ministry to Hold First Kairos Inside Program at Southeastern Correctional Institution in Lancaster, Ohio

Judicial Watch: New FBI Records Reveal Strzok Authored Initial Draft of Comey Letter to Congress About Clinton Emails on Weiner Laptop

Singing (Not Screaming) Support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh

The Miraculous Identity: Unveiling Your Hidden Journey Will Begin its Tour on Saturday, October 27, 2018, at Cloud 9 Worship Center, San Diego, California

Care Net's Annual National Conference to Equip Churches and Pregnancy Centers to Collaborate on Pro-Life Ministry

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Millions of 'Invisible Women' Still Facing Heartache and Discrimination as Widows

Woman Doctor Shares the Benefits of Hunting in New Release

Catholics Demand Release of Documents on Predatory Priests from Cdl. Dolan

Rare Relics of Christ's Passion to be Presented in Lake Charles

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Innovo Publishing Releases Engaging Your Team: Lessons for Servant Leadership by David Zanca

Watchman Publishing LLC Releases The Utopia of a Strange Love by Tavares Robinson

Innovo Publishing Announces Release of God's Plan of Love and God's Plan for Christian Living by First Baptist Church, Jackson, MS

Friday, August 31, 2018

Evangelist Alveda King: Wow, What a Week: Prison Reform, Abortion, Fake News, and Prayer at the White House

Judicial Watch: Justice Department Discloses No FISA Court Hearings Held on Carter Page Warrants

'Muhammad in His Own Words' Premiers in Manhattan Movie Theater on September 11 -- Embargoed Link for Review

The Power of the Cross Unveiled and Revealed in Jesus

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