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Monday, July 16, 2018

Two Years After Historic National Mall Event, Pulse Announces Lineup for Together 2018: Texas Motor Speedway

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Papa John Has Nothing on Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger

Friday, July 13, 2018

Judicial Watch: FBI Begins Releasing Strzok-Page Communications, DOJ Objects to Preservation Order

Evangelist Alveda King: Tide Turns in Crosshairs of Kavanaugh, Media and Roe V Wade Movie

Rehnquist is Kavanaugh's Judicial Hero

Are There Too Many Jews on the Supreme Court?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Life Legal Attorneys Leverage Congressional Findings to Expose Planned Parenthood

Religious Liberty at the Crossroads and the Future of Roe v. Wade

New Social Network and Search Engine 'Will Help Overturn Roe v. Wade'

Kavanaugh's Judicial Philosophy

New Christian Internet 'Will Help Overturn Roe v. Wade'

Indianapolis Born Author Visits Home to Release Latest Book, God is Talking, Are You Listening?

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Loving Abortion Means Lying About It

Famous Sculptor Creates 'Statue for Love and Peace' Amid National Monument Controversy

Michael W. Smith, TBN to Host Free Concert at Nashville's Bridgestone Arena, Aug 30th 'Surrounded'

Released Today -- Citizens' Council for Health Freedom's New Book 'Big Brother in the Exam Room' Now Available

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

New Release Highlights Inspiration from Two-Way Prayer

Trump Urged to Withdraw Kavanaugh Nomination

Four Reasons Why Kavanaugh is a Great Pick

Judicial Watch: New HHS Documents Reveal that 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' Processed During Obama Years Included Violent Criminals, Drug Smugglers, and Human Traffickers

Why are we Called to Faithful Evangelization?

Monday, July 09, 2018

Judicial Watch Statement on Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Trump Picks Judge Brett Kavanaugh for U.S. Supreme Court

Life Legal Defense Foundation Has Planned Parenthood Cornered

Supreme Court Disruption: Randall Terry and Other Pro-lifers to Disrupt Planned Parenthood Event at Supreme Court

Calvary University Signs Agreement to Launch a K-12 International School Based in Morgan County, Colorado

YouVersion Bible App Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Innovative World Cup Outreach Scores Big Despite Russian Authorities' Detainment of Church Members

New M.O.M. on the Block

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Randall Terry Leads 'Overturn Roe' Vigil at White House 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Supporting President Trump's Promise to Overturn Roe

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