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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

US Catholic Clergy Confraternity Celebrates 50 Years of Humanae Vitae

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Supreme Court: Pregnancy Center Forced Speech Law is Unduly Burdensome

How the Vision of One Couple, the Tenacity of a Dozen UK Churches, and the Collaboration of a Handful of Christian Ministries Took the Good News to the Racetrack in Sunbury this Father's Day

Foundation for Moral Law Applauds Supreme Court Decisions in Pro-Life Speech Case and Travel Ban Case

College of Biblical Studies has Been Reaffirmed for Regional Accreditation by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Judicial Watch Statement on Supreme Court's Support of President Trump's 'Travel Ban'

Supreme Court Victory for Pro-Life Help Centers Applauded by Operation Rescue

US Hispanic Women Christian Chamber of Commerce in the News

WCC Joins Call for Release of Mission Personnel from Philippines

New Site Offers a Different Approach to Catholic Matchmaking

Monday, June 25, 2018

US Hispanic Women Christian Chamber of Commerce President at 2018 Africa Trade & Investment Global Summit on June 26

Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint Against Maxine Waters for Inciting Violence and Assaults on Trump Cabinet

Wonderful Pistachios Must Drop Bee's Show

Ex-'Gays,' Pro-Family Leaders Mark Third Anniversary of Supreme Court's Devastating 'Obergefell' Ruling that Disenfranchised Millions of Americans by Imposing Homosexual 'Marriage' on All 50 States

The $100,000,000 Fundraiser -- Raising $1,000,000 for 100 Ministries to Spread the Gospel Throughout the World

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Another Victory -- Second Waste Disposal Company Quits Carhart's Late-Term Abortion Business

Friday, June 22, 2018

Case Dismissed -- PJI Defeats Criminal Charges Against Preacher in Pennsylvania

Sever Ties with SPLC

Samantha Bee Loses Wendy's

Sasse Statement on Krauthammer

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain's Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in 'Financially Ruinous' Targeting

Movement.Org and the Luis Palau Association Announce Collaborative Campaign to Celebrate and Accelerate Gospel Movements Around the World

Kairos Prison Ministry to Hold #1 Kairos Inside Program at Grimes Unit in Newport, Arkansas

Christianity Today President-CEO to Retire in 2019

Catholic Extension Announces Family Reunification Fund in Response to the Crisis at the U.S.-Mexico Border

New 'Conservative Friendly Internet' Enables Conservatives to 'Speak Freely and Reach More People'

New 'Christian Internet' Enables Christians to 'Share the Gospel Freely and Reach More People'

Harvard Atheist Steven Pinker in a Unique Intellectual Duel with Christian Thinker Nick Spencer

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Christian Pastor Returned Home After Suffering Imprisonment, Torture and Abuse at the Hands of the Chinese Government

Evangelist Will Graham Holds 'Central Scotland Will Graham Celebration of Hope' in Falkirk

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