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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Hon. J. Kenneth Blackwell Endorses E.W. Jackson for US Senate in Virginia

So You Think There's no Such Thing as God?

New Service Offers Nonprofits 'Better Bottomline Through Better Online'

Conservatives 'End Facebook, Google and Twitter Censoring' by Joining New Conservative USA.Life and 1776Free

Grammy Award Winners Join Keith and Kristyn Getty on New Album Championing Congregational Singing Across the Global Church

Christians 'End Facebook, Google and Twitter Censorship' by Joining New Pro-Christian USA.Life and 1776Free

Chattanooga: A City Abortion-Free for 25 Years

Justin Bieber's Mom, Shares her Heartbreaking Testimony at Light The Fire Again

Monday, May 14, 2018

Life Legal Seeks to Have California Assisted Suicide Law Held Unconstitutional

Filmmaker Says Mitt Romney Unjustly Labeled Robert Jeffress a Bigot

Connect Conference to Host World Evangelists in Celebration of 20 Years of Worldwide Ministry Impact

Southern Baptist Pastor Submits Resolution Against Social Justice

Frontpage.org Wishes to Alert the Public of the Apparent Censorship of Information by Facebook Regarding the Upcoming Referendum on Abortion in Ireland

Major League Baseball to Host LGBT Pride Night with Gay 'Kiss Cams'

Friday, May 11, 2018

NYS Sen. Brad Hoylman Guilty of Bigotry

Evangelist Alveda King: Let's Celebrate Motherhood Without the Politics This Year

Shocking Curriculum in AZ Schools

Thursday, May 10, 2018

'American Idol' Finalist to Lead Global Rallying Cry on Behalf of World's 2 Billion Unreached People

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Gets Political in New Book

Ministry Leverages World Cup Matches to Compete for Souls as Russian Government Cracks Down on Christian Evangelism

Is There Forgiveness After Abortion -- 'The Bouquet over the Abyss' Answers the Question

Judicial Watch: Emails Show FBI Advised Comey to Consult with Mueller's Office Prior to June 2017 Testimony

Censoring Christians on Social Media Leads to New Christian Alternative

Inaugural Celebration International Boys Day Wednesday 16 May 2018

Conservative Starts New Social Media Site After Facebook Blocks 70 Million People from Conservative Messages

Pro-Life Group: Give the Gift of Motherhood

Youth Performing Community Service are Making a Big Difference

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Fun, Uplifting Drop Off Film, Tackles Greed, Discrimination, and Teen Envy

'The Road to Edmond' - A Provocative Faith-Based Movie Launches National Tour

Save the Storks Responds to Attack from HBO's John Oliver with Game-Changing Social Video Campaign for Mother's Day

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