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Monday, April 09, 2018

CFI Stands with Scott Lloyd to Protect Refugees

Catholic Church Attendance Drops

Judge Moore Files Petition for Writ of Mandamus

Worldwide Marriage Encounter 50th Anniversary Convention to be Live Streamed Across the World

Saturday, April 07, 2018

IRD Attends Red Lynchburg 'Revival' Hosted by Red Letter Christians

Friday, April 06, 2018

Christianity Today & Logos Bible Software to Digitize CT Archives

STD Rates Hit Record High

Eleven Year Old Girl Publishes The Baptism Song as a Picture Book for Children and Families Around the World (www.BaptismSong.com)

California Weighs Proposals to Trap Families in Unsafe, Failing Schools

New Devotional Reveals Healing Truth in Sickness

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Planned Parenthood's Abortion Fixation

King's Legacy

Nationally Known Christian Activist Sends Letter to 'March for Our Lives' Asking Them to Support Student Pro-life Walkout on April 11

Bias Pervades Southern Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Knights of Columbus Profiles Some of Its 'Everyday Heroes'

Judicial Watch: State Department Records Show Obama Administration Helped Fund George Soros' Left-Wing Political Activities in Albania

E.W. Jackson, Virginia US Senate Candidate, Calls for a Month of Brotherhood in April to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Catholics Plan Public Protest Over Holy Cross Professor's 'Drag King' Jesus Blasphemy

'Unreached' Alliance Concerned by Church's Unawareness of 'Great Commission' Mandate

Evangelist Alveda C. King: Remembering the Legacy of MLK

So-called Christian Donation Processing Firm Caves to LGBT Demands and Dumps Christian Ministry, Placing Other Ministry Clients at Same Risk

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Is This World Truly in the End Times?

LGBT Activists Vow to Shut Down Christian Ministry, 'Your Faith be Damned'

Meadow Merrill's 'Redeeming Ruth' Wins Prestigious Christopher Award for 'Shinning Light in Darkness'

Mark Driscoll Announces Forthcoming Book in Partnership with Charisma House

Modern Day Parable Affirms God's Grace is Greater Than Any Storm

Bill Attacking Pastors & Counselors Before Committee in California

PraiseWorthy Announces New Single Release 'Never Unaware' by Bridgette Hammers

The 28th Annual 'Just Pray NO!' to Drugs Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting

'Faith Actually'

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