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Monday, March 19, 2018

Ford County Kansas Sheriff, Bill Carr, Intimidates Pastors to Cancel A Night For Life

White House Petition for a Just and Moral Foreign Policy in Israel

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saint 'Fitz'patrick's Day 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018

Everyone Knows Abortion Kills

Pompeo Stands for Life and Family

Trump Administration Endangers Religious Liberty with Feldblum Re-Nomination

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mark Your Calendar for November: American Baptist Home Mission Societies Announces Space for Grace 2018

Judicial Watch: Broward County Sheriff's Office Training Materials Say First One or Two Officers on Scene Should 'Confront the Shooter'

Refugee Crisis Escalates in Eastern DRC

Chrisagis Brothers Taking Legends on the Road

Killing the Kids, Selectively

Taxpayer Dollars Fund Billions for Abortions

Evangelist Alveda King: As MLK 50 Looms, Babes and Millennials Proclaim -- We are not Color Blind

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Final Supreme Court Briefs Filed in Newman v. NAF Seeking Cert in Gag Order Case

Children Desiring God to Become Truth78: Launch to Include Event, New Books, and App

Catholic Priest Suing Church for Defamation He Suffered in Retaliation for Reporting Abuse

Author Julie Rausch Releases Eye Opening Book 'Christian Devotionals for Women -- He Doesn't Care About Your Cellulite'

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Grieving Supernaturally

'Mama' to Thousands of Children in Egypt to be Honored with the Charles W. Colson Award

Pope Francis - A Man of His Word Film Trailer

Live Web Event to Help Nonprofits Learn How to 'Develop a Culture of Innovation'

Scripture Completed in 49 Languages Last Year

Author Reports that a Sleepless Night Resulted in a New Easy-to-Understand Book Describing Important Themes of the Christian Faith

Immortality Explained

Dodge City Churches Come Together to Battle a Suicide Epidemic with 'A Night For Life' Youth Conference

Cowboys and Cooks: Free Masterpiece Cake Singing Group Visits Supreme Court

Monday, March 12, 2018

Carolina Author Pens Book for Abuse Victims -- Accolades from Influential Community Leaders

WWME 50th Anniversary Convention Will Offer On-Site Livestream for June 2018 Event

Support Conscience Rights Now

Tim Tebow Foundation Celebrity Weekend Raises More than $2.2 Million for Children Around the World

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