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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Knights of Columbus Sets Insurance Record for 17th Consecutive Year

Tie Breaking Senate Vote to Confirm Russell Vought is a Rejection of Bernie Sanders' Religious Test

Mass Murderer Praised by State's Witness

Fitzpatrick Compares Murder of Monroe County Elections Commissioner to that of DNC Staffer Seth Rich

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Campaign to Champion Needs of World's 2 Billion Unreached People Gets Major Boost

CNN Interviews Mark Palm, Founder of Samaritan Aviation, About Efforts to Save Lives of Rural Villagers in Papua New Guinea

Law Enforcement Officer Admits the Truth About 'The Madisonville Hoax'

#MeToo Awareness is One Thing, True Recovery is Quite Another

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Though Millions Continue to Suffer Violence, 'New Dawn' Rises for Women in Asia, Says Special Report

New 'Acts 8' Daily Radio Program Tackles Challenge of Biblical Literacy

SAT-7 KIDS Marks a Decade of Christian Programming to Some of World's Most Closed Countries

Foundation for Moral Law Files Amicus Brief Supporting Trump Travel Ban

Is the Real War on Women Happening in Africa?

Fitzpatrick: Monroe County Sheriff's Deputy Recalls 2010 'Madisonville Hoax' as 'Good for Training'

A Sold Out 'All That Glitters' Conference is a Success for Jennifer O'Neill & the Chrisagis Brothers

Masked Men with Knives Knock Out Man and Take His Heart

Spring Retreats Designed for Young Adult Catholic Women

Monday, February 26, 2018

NY AG Teams Up with Revolutionary Communist to Prosecute Pro-Life Americans

Pro-Life Coalition to Host Rally Opposing MSU Program with Abortionist Dr. Willie Parker

30 Years After his God-inflicted Injury, Pastor Writes Novel About it

Christian Human Rights Lawyer Killed by Chinese Government

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Faith and Family Groups Join Santa Ana Community in Opposing Drag Queen Storytime and LGBTQ+ Youth Fair

Friday, February 23, 2018

New Amish Historical Romance Release

Christian Counseling Degrees Come with its Own Ordination

AFTAH: Is CPAC 'Conservative' When it Bans Pro-Family Exhibitors, Welcomes LGBTQ Activists?

The Order of Silence and Why Bad Things Happen to God's People

Thursday, February 22, 2018

'The Billy Graham Tribute Channel' Debuts on SiriusXM to Honor the Late Founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

International Religious Freedom Issues Can Transcend the Partisan Divide in Congress

Ratio Christi Chapter Sues Kennesaw State for Relegating Pro-life Display to Tiny 'Speech Zone'

Author of New Book on Christian Women Says Jesus, Paul, Apostles, and Early Church Fathers had Answers for #MeToo Movement

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