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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Foundation for Moral Law Defends California Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Yunnan Christians Receive Lengthy Sentences for Falsified Cult Involvement Charge

Abortion Facility in Oakland Closed

Liberty Counsel Challenges CA Forced Abortion Speech Law

Putin Equates Communism to Christianity

Christians Have Better Personal Wellbeing than Non-Christians

Monday, January 15, 2018

Business Partners Jack Morris and Joe Jingoli Honored with Service Award During FBCLG 2018 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service

The 7 Biggest Mistakes Pastors Make When Turning Sermon Series into Books

LifeBridge Announces New Publishing Options for Pastors

Luana Stoltenberg's New Book 'Singing in the Wilderness' has Been Released Just in Time for the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Activists Oppose Abortion and Planned Parenthood's Cover-Up of Sexual Predators at 'Women's March' Jan. 20 in DC

New Behavioral Study to Explore Impact of Bible-Based Programming in Prisons

Friday, January 12, 2018

Fire 18 Encounter Conference: One Touch Changes Everything

Former New Jersey Secretary of State Rev. Dr. DeForest B. Soaries to Speak at 'Course Correction Conversation' MLK Day Event in Dallas

Judicial Watch Statement on Federal Court Order for FBI to Turn Over Comey Memos for Court Review by Next Week

Senate Must Vote to Stop Funding Terrorism

Christian Evangelical Clergy Condemn President Trump's Use of the Term 'Shithole Countries' While Addressing Immigration in the White House

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Judicial Watch: Court Orders State Department to Speed Up Production of Clinton Email Records

Solidarity HealthShare is Proud to Take Part in the March for Life 2018 -- Honoring Leaders Who Have Created Innovative Solutions that Promote Life

Due to Popular Demand, 'IS GENESIS HISTORY?' Returns for Special One-Year Anniversary Event in Cinemas Nationwide on February 22 Only

New Movement Challenges Men: It's Time to RISE

Good News for a New Generation: News Through a Catholic Lens Offers Antidote to Fake News

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hollywood's Phony #MeToo Crusade

Great Commission Agencies Unite to 'Reclaim' Focus on Taking the Gospel to Those Who Have Yet to Hear About Jesus

First Apologetics Curriculum for Tweens to be Released

Bomb Destroys Persecuted Church

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Catholicism is not Inclusive

Tanzania Hosts WCC Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

SCOTUS Declines Mississippi Religious Freedom Challenge

Church Leads in Handling Sexual Misconduct

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