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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Petition Launched to Reprimand Bill Maher

Is There a Catholic Alternative to Mindfulness?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Master's University Drops Tuition 26% Amidst Expansion and Growth

Caring Not Killing Conference

Palau, Legacy Film Based on the Life of Luis Palau, to be Distributed Theatrically in October 2018

Operation Rescue Stands by its Endorsement of Judge Moore for Senate; Calls for McConnell to Resign

Calvary University Planning Colorado Expansion

Announcing the Release of Until Your Prodigal Comes Home: Encouragement Along the Way

The Second Coming of Christ Movie Begins Limited Los Angeles Theatrical Release Friday, December 8, 2017 in Los Angeles

Monday, November 13, 2017

Office Max Maintains Pro-LGBT Stance in Wake of Anti-Christian Discrimination 'Mistake'

World Orphans Day is Observed Monday, November 13

Youth Unlimited Announces 2018 SERVE Mission Trip Sites

'Lighthouse Loyalty' by Sarah Kay Bierle Highlights Traditional Family Values in American History

Friday, November 10, 2017

Bott Radio Network Celebrates 55 Years of Service

Evangelist Alveda King: Judge Moore, NAACP, National Anthem, Church Shootings -- America Must Cease Fire or Self-Destruct

World Orphans Day

Theological Degree by Dissertation

Milagros en horario central: la tan anticipada Campaña Evangelística de Despedida de Reinhard Bonnke ha comenzado ya, en Lagos, Nigeria

POW/MIA Chair Dedicated in The United States Capitol for Veterans Day

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Judicial Watch Sues Department of Justice for Communications Relating to 'Russian Lawyer' Immigration Parole

Fitzpatrick Contacts Defense Secretary James Mattis on Bergdahl Ruling -- Says Decision 'Ripe for Civilian Scrutiny'

Politics of Sexual Abuse in Pennsylvania

T2Pneuma Releases 'Called Along The Way' in Paperback, Kindle, and EPUB

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Love Côte d'Ivoire Festival with Andrew Palau Draws Tens of Thousands for Historic Event

'Arm the Churches' says Rev. Robert Bakke

Miracles in Primetime: Christ for all Nations' Much Anticipated Reinhard Bonnke Farewell Gospel Crusade Starts Today, November 8, 2017, in Lagos, Nigeria

Merger Brings Leadership Development Organizations Together to Further Serve Global Church

Judicial Watch: Justice Department Argues Comey's Leak of 'Flynn' Memo to New York Times was Unauthorized, Compares Comey to Wikileaks

Media Lowball Killer's Atheism

Missionary Project Chile 2017 Impacts Thousands of Lives

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