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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Carhart Cancels Abortions After Operation Rescue Exposed His Failure to Comply with Maryland Law

International Nonprofits Partner to Reach One Million Prisoners by 2020 with God's Word

Can the War Between Faith and Science Come to an End?

How Will National Disasters and Mass Shootings Affect Q4 Giving for Non-Profits?

Foundation for Moral Law Brings Federal Suit Against City of Dothan for Violating Church Rights

Two-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Divulges China's Catastrophic Corruption

Monday, October 16, 2017

Premier Pro-Life Legal Group Calls for Enforcement of Alabama Commonsense Life Saving Laws and Regulations

Literacy Program Opens Doors for Some of Asia's Impoverished Laborer Families

Biblica Announces Resignation of CEO Dr. Carl Moeller

Eschatology Students Wanted for World's First Apocalyptic Degree Program

Grand Canyon University Students Release Second Full Album on iTunes

Hollywood Academy Promises Reform But Mainstream Media Ignores New Movie About Hollywood Reform

Free and Discount Christian E-books from Gospel Reads

Harvey, Irma, Maria, Mexico Earthquakes, North Korea, Las Vegas, California Fires: Are These the 'End-Times' Predicted in the Holy Bible?

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hot New Christian Mystery Novel, 'Hidden in Harmony,' Released Today

Friday, October 13, 2017

California Wildfires: Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains Deploy to Offer Comfort to the Displaced

Confirmed: Carhart's New Late-Term Abortion Facility in Bethesda is Illegally Unlicensed

Evangelist Alveda King from Values Voters Summit 2017: Yes, Christians Should Vote

FBI Finds 30 Pages of Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents -- Wants Six Weeks to Turn Over Docs

Christian Concern Intervenes to Protect Europe from Sharia Law

Epic Records and Sony Pictures Animation Announce 'The Star' Official Soundtrack Album Available October 27

New Christian College Seeks to Revolutionize Christian Higher Education Through Innovative Learning Model

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Judicial Watch: New Homeland Security Documents Reveal Sanctuary Cities Denied 284 ICE Detainers in Three Months, Released Illegal Aliens Charged with Assaults, Drug and Weapons Violations

American Heritage Girls to Remain Exclusively Girl-Oriented

Carhart to Open New Late-Term Abortion Facility in Maryland Next Week

Marty Angelo, Minister to Troubled Celebrities Offers Hope to Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein

Board of Directors Reaffirms Father Frank Pavone as National Director of Priests For Life

Judicial Watch: Court Overrules Trump Administration Objections and Will Review State Department Clinton-Petraeus Emails

International Nonprofits Partner to Develop End-to-End Solution to Re-Incarceration

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Character-Forming Outdoor Adventure Group Will Remain 'a Place Where Boys Can be Boys'

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