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Thursday, September 14, 2017

MAF's John Boyd Awarded Honorary Doctorate from NNU

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Best Selling Christian & Messianic Author Challenges Israeli Sanhedrin Over Ban of Messianic Marriages

Christian Nonprofit Reaches Milestone of 7,000 Projects Worldwide

Christianity Today Wins Excellence in Religion Reporting Awards

Foundation for Moral Law Defends Persecuted Christian Baker

Does God Exist?

Pro-Life Groups to Cardinal O'Malley: Stop the Betrayals

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Exposing the Truth About the SPLC's 'Hate Labels'

Swiss Lutherans Mark 500 Years of the Reformation

De Blasio's Monument Goals are Troubling

New Book Exposes the Errors of Popular American Pastor John Piper

Monday, September 11, 2017

Judicial Watch Election Integrity Project Director Robert Popper to Give Testimony to Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity

Judicial Watch Announces an Expert Special Panel Presentation: 'Exposing the Deep State'

In US Supreme Court Brief, Christian Doctors Cite Conscience Conflicts Similar to Creative Artists

Toledo Abortion Biz Fined $40,000 for Mishandling Medical Emergency Amid OH Supreme Court Challenge of Hospital Transfer Agreement

Three to Get Married: Fr. Brian Mullady Addresses Theology of the Body

The National Council of Catholic Women Celebrates 97 Years of Service at Annual Convention in Dallas, Raises Funds and Donates Necessities to Hurricane Victims

'Let the Washington Post Scoff: Hurricanes are God's Judgment' -- Randall Terry, Author, 'The Judgment of God'

Faith Movement 'In God We Trust' Celebrates Trump's Proclamation for National Days of Prayer and Remembrance for 9/11

Shouted Down at White House

Legacy 2018 - Liberty to the Captives

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains Make Plans to Deploy Following Devastation from Hurricane Irma

Friday, September 08, 2017

Judicial Watch Statement on Justice Department's Decision Not to Charge Lois Lerner in IRS Scandal

J. Law (Jennifer Lawrence) is Quite Mistaken -- These Hurricanes are the Judgment of God

Major Back to School Savings + Brand New Church Website Template

Judicial Watch: Court Hearing on Monday, September 11, Regarding Taxpayer Lawsuit over San Francisco's Sanctuary Policy

Life Legal Files Joint Amicus Brief with SCOTUS in Masterpiece Cakeshop Case

Affirm Films Announces Start of Production on Paul, Apostle of Christ Feature

'Leaving Mormonism' -- New Book Explains Why Four Christian Scholars Left

Judicial Watch Announces an Expert Special Panel Presentation: 'Exposing the Deep State'

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