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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Criminal Complaint Naming Robert Mueller and Other FBI Employees in Commission of Treason

PureFlix.com Continues to Add New, Original Content Including First Christian Sitcom, Soap Opera

Foundation for Moral Law Defends the Ten Commandments

Solution for 70% College Faith Dropout: The First 72 Hours on Campus is Critical and a National Coalition is Turning this Around

Author Don Felumlee's Newly Released: 'The Splitting of the Adam, It's Time to Awaken!' Offers Fresh Revelation on the Coming of the Christ

New IFWE Book Tackles Christian Concerns About Capitalism

Monday, August 07, 2017

Child Evangelism Fellowship Wins Injunction Against Indiana School District

President's Attorney, Jay Sekulow, Takes Major Pro-Life Case to SCOTUS

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Releases a Perception Survey Across North America

New Book Reveals the Miraculous in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Supreme Court Denies Counsel to Man Wrongfully Convicted

Friday, August 04, 2017

Knights of Columbus Recognize Local Units at Supreme Convention

Evangelist Alveda King: 'Truth Trumps Fake News: RISE UP with New Lenses'

Family Known for Helping the Homeless Named Knights of Columbus Family of the Year

Judgment Reserved in Case of Christian Magistrate Dismissed from NHS over Family Views

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit

Newman Files Petition with Supreme Court Challenging Gag Order that Bans Sharing Evidence with Law Enforcement

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Public Wreath Ceremony by the Evangelical Church Alliance International at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Broadcast Ministry Ambassador Shares 'Tune in Before Transmitting' Message in New Book

Atheists Should Sue Supreme Court

Life Legal Files Petition in Supreme Court Contesting Gag Order Against Daleiden

Young Christians Beliefs Regarding the Influence of the Holy Spirit

Group Supports President Donald Trump's Calls on Republican National Committee to do More to Support Ban on Transgenders in the U.S. Military

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Something's Coming - John 9:4

Calvary University Appoints New Program Director for Ph.D. in Bible & Theology

Former Chairman of the Foundation for Moral Law Blasts Senate Leadership Fund Ad Attacking the Foundation as 'Complete Fabrication of the Facts'

Judicial Watch: Justice Department Blacks Out Talking Points on Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting

FamilyLife Co-Founder, President and CEO Announces His Successor: David Robbins

Abortion Activists Livid at Democrats

Ronald Blue & Co., Thrivent Trust Co. Join and Expand as Nationwide Trust Company

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