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Monday, June 12, 2017

Churches-Backed Group Cites Rights Abuses at Philippines Human Rights Council Review

'New York Times' Backs Gory Trump-Like 'Caesar'

Former Hospital Management CEO Dares Business Owners to Operate by Biblical Principles in New Book

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Victory: CNN Muslim Host Reza Aslan Fired for Calling President 'Piece of Sh*t'

Friday, June 09, 2017

Harrisburg Abortion Center Closed After Ordinance Win

Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of The Eucharist Share Inside View to Vocational Life with New Book: 'And Mary's Yes Continues'

Netflix Gets Dirty with Kids

Maryknoll Missionary Father Miguel F. d'Escoto Returns to God at Age 84

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Gay Employee Justly Fired

Pastor Lively Files Challenge to Judge's Prejudicial Language

Kathy Griffin Stunt Bears Fruit

Judicial Watch Releases New Hillary Clinton Email Admitting Blackberry Use 'Against the Advice of the Security Hawks'

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Viajar a la Tierra Santa Podría Representar una Bendición Financiera para Iglesias y Ministerios

Traveling to the Holy Land Could be a Financial Possibility for Churches and Ministries

Muhammad Billboard Stirs Controversy in Indiana: But is it True?

Evangelist Alveda C. King: To Be Or Not To Be -- A Fourteenth Amendment Perspective

Judicial Watch Sues ICE for Information Regarding the Suspension of the Trump Administration's Sanctuary City Reports

PureFlix.com Names Stackis COO as Growth Continues

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

SAT-7 PARS Doubles its Potential Audience as it Launches on New Satellite

Judicial Watch Sues Veterans Affairs for Information on a Plan to House Homeless Vets

My Catholic Faith Delivered Names New Director of Implementation

Calling All Children to Pray: North Korean Children Need to Meet Jesus

.004% of Clergy Guilty of Abuse

Global Survey About The Catholic Church

Monday, June 05, 2017

Judicial Watch Asks Court to Force State Department to Refer Action on Clinton Emails to State Department

Judicial Watch Sues State, Treasury Departments for Records on $400 Million Cash Payment to Iran

Judicial Watch Sues Education Department for Emails on Failed Obama School Improvement Grants Program

Relief Lifeline Extended as Cyclone Mora Leaves More Destruction in Its Wake

Phony Reaction to Maher's Bigotry

New Book Release -- 'I Am Prophecy'

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