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Monday, June 05, 2017

Day Gardner Speaks Out Against Bill Maher's Flippant, Offensive, Racist Remarks

Sunday, June 04, 2017

CNN Host Reza Aslan Exposed as Muslim Propagandist in New Documentary; Aslan Called President Trump a 'Piece of Sh*t'

Terror Attack in London: Secret Terrorist Marching Orders Uncovered

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Worldwide Marriage Encounter to be Featured on Three Episodes of EWTN's 'Church Universal'

Friday, June 02, 2017

Judicial Watch: Hearing Monday, June 5 Over Homeland Security Assertion of 'Privacy Rights' to Prevent Release of Names of Freed Criminal Aliens

Gutting the HHS Mandate

The New 'Apocalypse Degree' Gaining Ground with World-Wide Attention

LGBT Heresy Infiltrates Orlando Northland Community Church

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Pro-life Leader Beaten and Arrested

CMA Doctors Laud Administration's Common Sense Approach to Contraceptives and the First Amendment

Grateful Tears Flow as Marginalized Mothers are Honored for Their Selfless Service

How Churches Can Offer Fair Compensation on a Tight Budget

Judicial Watch Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Review California In-State Tuition Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Judicial Watch: Newly Released Emails Reveal More Classified Information Transmitted by Hillary Clinton Through Unsecure Server to Clinton Foundation Employees

AUL Applauds Changes to Obamacare Mandates, 'Restoring Fundamental Freedoms to all Americans'

Marxist Millionaires Ruin NYC Parade

Impending Deadline for Embassy Move

Anti-God Theater Play in Pittsburgh Sparks Catholic Outrage

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Judicial Watch Sues State Department and USAID for Records About Funding of George Soros' Open Society Foundation -- Albania

Family Research Council Praises Draft HHS Regulation Protecting Little Sisters of the Poor, Religious Liberty

New South Korean President Receives WCC Delegation to Discuss Churches' Role in Peace Initiatives for Korean Peninsula

Knights of Columbus Launches Ad Campaign as Middle Eastern Christians Face Crisis

Forty Countries are Behind the Curve in Reducing Child-Death Rates: New empty tomb, inc. Analysis

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

'Compassion Teams' Poised to Bring Hope and Help to Sri Lankan Flood Victims

Celebrate 11th Say Something Nice Sunday

Calvary University Announces the Burnham Center for Global Engagement

Champions for the Unreached Hope Virtual 'Upper Room' Will Kindle New Fire for Missions

Coptic Solidarity Condemns Barbaric Killing of Coptic Pilgrims En Route to St. Samuel Monastery

PJI Asks Supreme Court to Honor U.S. Heritage of Religious Freedom in Asylum Case

Pope Francis Introduces the Essential Resource for the Most Read Book in the World

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