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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Free Clinics and Distributions Bring 'Expressions of Hope' to Marginalized Asian Communities

Missions Champion David Platt Brings 'Radical' Message to Unreached People's Campaign

Planned Parenthood Gala is Sick

Possenti Society Says Mass Murder of Christians Demands Gun Defense

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

TMS Global Aims to Increase Diversity in the World Missions Workforce

Pureflix.com Now Streaming to Android TVs, Apple TV and More as Platform Continues to Expand

Pioneer Missions Research Group to Give Away Vital Information Resources as it Closes

Religious Liberty Attacked in California

Judicial Watch Receives New Records on United Passenger David Dao Removal Incident -- Police Reports, New Video, Audio Files

Hobby Lobby CEO and Founder Releases New Book, Shares Inside Details of the 2014 Supreme Court Case

Monday, April 24, 2017

Infinion Marketing Wins AZIMA TIM Award for eCommerce Web Design

Zondervan Acquires Hannah Brencher, Entrepreneur and TED Talk Speaker

Former NFL Player, Dallas Cowboy Chaplain and Spoken Word Artist Jonathan Evans Defines and Discovers the Meaning of Manhood in New Album 'J-Walk' Available Worldwide

New Organization for Sacred Art Has Big Plans in 2017

MCAS Miramar Command Chaplain Receives 'Outstanding Chaplain of the Year' Award 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017

Mother Dolores Hart, OSB -- 'The Nun Who Kissed Elvis' -- To Speak at the Leo House in New York City

Good News Club Victory in Aloha State

Kairos Prison Ministry of Texas Receives Governor's 2017 Criminal Justice Volunteer Service Award

Australian Prayer Leaders Call World to Pray and Fast for America as US Vice President Visits Australia

Texas State University Professor Protects Student from Arrest After He Destroyed Anti-Abortion Display

Largest National Faith-Based Conference for Entertainment Professionals Returns

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Resolution Relating to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Adopted by Orthodox Christian Laity

MN AG Swanson Refuses to Disclose Nepotism and More

Correction to Previous News Release Regarding Anastasia Adams

Opposing Abortion is Not Enough

Special Court Affirms Chief Justice Moore's Removal

Where Despair Prevails, South Sudan Churches Issue Easter Hope Message

National Council of Catholic Women Presents 2 Million Works of Mercy to Pope Francis

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Steve Amerson to Participate in the 'Washington A Man of Prayer 2017' Event

Well Installations and Filter Distributions Bring Relief

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