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Friday, April 07, 2017

Nebraska Defeats LGBT Bill

Books Abounding with Author Kelli Bolton

Thursday, April 06, 2017

An American Epidemic of Low Self-esteem and Depression -- Author Explores Why in New Book

Critically Acclaimed Documentary 'Is Genesis History?' Available on DVD, VOD, & for Church Licensing on April 11

The International Christian Film Festival Celebrates 5 Years

This Easter Season, Shields of Strength Marks Two Decades of Carving Scripture on Jewelry

WCC Urges End to 'Culture of Impunity' in Syria

Vetting Catherine Corless

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Nation Wide Prayer Network Gets Over 24,000 Listeners for February 2017 Through their Weekly Unification Prayer w/March Breaking New Records

Remove Transgenders: 4 Winds Letter to the International Olympic Committee

Award-Winning Christian Company Produces New 'Lost Secrets' Easter Video

Judicial Watch Obtains Copies of 204 ICE Illegal Alien 'Detainer Requests' Denied by Travis County, Texas Sheriff

Family Research Council Statement on NCAA's Decision to End North Carolina Boycott

Upliftv Will Air the Supernatural Now, A TV Ministry Led by the Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Evangelist Will Graham Visits 'La Bella Airosa,' Preaches in Mexico for the First Time

Affirm Films and Provident Films to Release 'All Saints' in Theaters Nationwide August 25, 2017

NOM, CitizenGO and IOF Wrap Up Successful, Enlightening #FreeSpeechBus Tour

The World's First 'Apocalypse Degree' Offered Only Through Luder Wycliffe Theological Seminary

The Apocalypse of Jesus - Discovery of Seven Prophetic Scrolls Embedded Within Revelation

Evangelist Alveda King Urges: 'MLK's Dream Needs Help from God'

Northridge Church to Donate $1 Per Person Attending Easter Services to a Non-Profit Responding to the Flint Water-Quality Crisis

A Report on the State of the Church from Inside the Curia

WonderWe Hosts David Daleiden Crowdfunding for Legal Battle in California

Professor at Kentucky Mountain Bible College Responds to the Continued Baby-Murdering Tyranny by the Federal Judiciary

One-in-Three Americans Have Nothing Saved for Retirement

Journalist Billy Hallowell Tackles 'Fake News,' Bias and the Secular Forces at Work in Media, Hollywood and Universities

Democrats Abandon Molested Children to Political Extremism

Coloring Your Way to Stress Relief and Spiritual Growth

Monday, April 03, 2017

Carl Anderson Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee's Vote, Calls on Full Senate to Confirm Neil Gorsuch

Pastors, Ministry Heads to Get In-The-Spotlight Media Training to Avoid 'Disastrous Communications Gap'

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