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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

DVD Bible Study Brings the Last Days of Jesus to Life with Footage from Israel and Insight from 6 Bible Experts

Satellite TV Network to Launch Educational Channel for Displaced and Impoverished Refugee Children in Middle East and North Africa

State Winners for 2017 Longest Married Couple Project Announced by Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Nationwide Rallies Call to Defund Planned Parenthood

Pastor Who Made History in the Indy 500 in 2016 is Back for the Race in 2017 with a Unifying Message

Nationwide Rallies Support Congressional Move to Defund Planned Parenthood

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Discovery Institute Senior Fellow to Present at Wisconsin Summer Apologetics Academy

Bott Radio Network Expands Christian Talk Radio in Fort Wayne

Two Critically Acclaimed Books Recommended Reading for Lent, Easter

What the World Needs Now

Monday, February 06, 2017

Belfast Man Sues Amazon, Bezos and Phish Drummer for Child Obscenity

World Academics to Debate the Ethics of Fur at Oxford

SNAP Founder Quits in Disgrace

It's National Marriage Week--Campaign to Promote Marriage and Its Success

2017 Longest Married Couple Project Winners Announced by Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Church Persecuted During Super Bowl 51 Community Outreach/Watch Party

Friday, February 03, 2017

A Clarion Call to President Trump

Ambassador to Israel Nominee is the Right Person for the Job

Family Research Council Applauds Pres. Trump's Focus on Religious Freedom in Prayer Breakfast Speech

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Jeff Bezos, Jon Fishman of Phish, and Amazon.com Face Child Obscenity Charges in US District Court

Trump Breaks with Democrats on Religion

Azusa Again on Azusa Street

Liberty Counsel Attorney Testifies Against LGBT Law

International Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Ask for Guidance & Clarification

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

World Congress of Families XI, The Budapest Family Summit, to be Held in Hungary, May 24-28, 2017

Fundraising Campaign Raises $214 Million for Biola University

Evangelist Alveda King to President Trump, Appointments Remain Key: Slay the Beast -- Defund Planned Parenthood

This Doctor of the Church Solved the Immigration Problem 700 Years Ago

Nashville-Based Boutique Publicity Firm Two|pr Enjoys Notable Success in First Year

Biola University to Host 2nd Annual Women in Leadership Conference in March

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