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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

2017 William Seymour Award Winner is Pastor Bonnie Chavda from Charlotte, NC

New Name Points Missions Agency into the Future

H.R. 7 Ensures Taxpayers Don't Pay for the Killing of Innocent, Little, Human Beings

Sasse Reintroduces Born-Alive Legislation

New Hope in New Smyrna

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Collegiate Day of Prayer

FCC Asked to Approve Transfer of Radio Licenses Combination of Relevant Radio® and Immaculate Heart Radio

Sundance Film Festival Trashes Nuns

Family Research Council Applauds Pres. Trump's Executive Order Restoring Policy Against Funding Foreign Abortion Groups

Monday, January 23, 2017

Americans Support Supreme Court Ruling to Restrict Abortion, Oppose Taxpayer Funding

Evangelist Alveda King: 'With Mexico City Policy, President Trump Begins First 100 Days with Prayers and Executive Actions that Promise Healing for America'

Zondervan Announces 'Pay What It's Worth' Campaign for Craig Groeschel's Newest Book, Divine Direction

Young Pro-Life Activists Refuse to Let President Trump Forget His Promise

For President Trump's First Monday Morning in the White House, A Washington Times Ad Hits Hard with Constructive Criticism

Promise Keeping: Trump Reinstates Mexico City Policy Defunding International Planned Parenthood

Washington Post Lives in a Time Warp

Trump, America, The Book of Revelation, Bible Prophecy

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Office of Chaplain for White House

Roe v. Wade Fade: Six States Have Only One Remaining Abortion Facility

Public Pro-Life Witness and Prayer at the Supreme Court on the 44 Memorial of the Roe v Wade Decision

Friday, January 20, 2017

Fresh Roasted Coffee Fuels Missions, Churches, the Arts, and Non-profits

Discrimination Ends Against Christian Club in Public School

Catholic Foes Sponsor Women's D.C. March

March for Life Set for Monday

Roe vs. Wade and America's Covenant with Death

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Abortion Numbers Drop to All Time Lows: 'When Abortion Clinics Close, Lives are Saved'

Good News Clubs Reopen After Three-Year Ordeal

Book Urges Us to Pray for President Trump Whether You Voted for Him or Not

Bigotry and Blood Mark Planned Parenthood

Christian Leaders Pray and Anoint the Doorway that President-elect Trump Will Walk Through Before His Inauguration at Capitol Building

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