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Monday, January 11, 2016

Personhood Alliance Initiates Full-time Lobbyist on Capitol Hill

Friday, January 08, 2016

Kim Davis to Attend Family Research Council's 'State of the Family' Address

Amicus Brief in Little Sisters Cites Government's Failure to Consider Serious Health Risks to Women

WCC Leaders Express Concern Over Situation on the Korean Peninsula

'Abortion President' Obama Protects Planned Parenthood, 'Child Abuse, Inc.'

Thursday, January 07, 2016

A New Christian Search Engine Hopes to Encourage the Christian Community to Actively Search for and Support Christian Websites and Businesses

Heartbeat International to Shift Roles of Executive Team

The London School of Theology (LST) Appoints Professor Graham Twelftree

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Author Reveals Practical Ways Each of Us Can Help Reduce the Number of At-Risk Children to Zero

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Alabama Chief Justice Says Judges Must Uphold Sanctity of Marriage Amendment

Free Speech Double Standard: Rutherford Institute Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Declare Unconstitutional Its Own Ban on Expressive Activity on Plaza

Judicial Watch: New State Department Emails Reveal Top Clinton Aide Focused on Her Private Company's Logo 24 Hours After Deadly Benghazi Attack

NRB Network Marks Ten Years with Rebrand and New Name

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Child-Abusing Bigots Endorse Hillary

Concordia Seminary's Shepherds of God's Flock Set for Jan. 7

Planned Parenthood Abortionist Deborah Nucatola Wins Inaugural Veritas Award

March for Life Chicago 2016: Thousands Converge in Loop to Proclaim Sanctity of Human Life

Monday, January 04, 2016

Duck Dynasty Stars Alan and Lisa Robertson to Speak at Annual Pro-life Events in Raleigh

Scalia--Religious Neutrality is Bunk

Operation Rescue's 2015 Pro-Life Person of the Year Recipient: Jeanneane Maxon

Unique, New Book Provided for Free to Pastors and Leaders for Making Churches and Christian Ministries 20 Times More Fruitful for God's Kingdom in 2016

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Majority of Americans - And Candidates of Both Parties - Say Christians Face Genocide in Middle East

The Potter's House of Denver Presents Higher Level's Latest Single: 'The Best Day of My Life'

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pastor Bent (Benjamin) Altschul of Great Among The Nations Recaps Powerful Revival Events of 2015 in European Churches and Declares American People are 'Taking Back America' in 2016

IRD's Top Church News Stories of 2015

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Sends Crisis-Trained Chaplains to Texas and Mississippi Following Deadly Tornadoes

Historic City of Selma Finally Abortion Free; Illegal Abortion Mill Shuts Down

Planned Parenthood: The Beginning of the End?

Kim Davis is 2015 Person of the Year, Says Pastor

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

'A Nation Remembers' to Air Ahead of Int'l Day of Commemoration in Memory of Holocaust Victims

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