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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

No One is Immune to Evil -- But With the Right Tools We Can Find Our Way to Spiritual Victory

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Nepali Government Officials Acknowledge Success of Tailoring Program to Combat Human Trafficking

Autopsy Report Reveals Abortion Patient's Hemorrhage Not Detected in Time

Catholic Answers Relaunches Chastity Website

The 1st Annual 'Antelope Valley Praise in the Park Festival' is Coming to Lancaster California

Christianity Today Highlights Millennial Faith with '33 Under 33'

Co-Director of 'Alone Yet Not Alone' Launches a Purpose-Driven Film Workshop for Christians

Churches for Life Announces Third Annual Nationwide Fast and Feast

True Story of Sam Childers, the 'Real Machine Gun Preacher' to Raise One Million Dollars to Help Children of South Sudan in Current Civil War

Monday, June 30, 2014

EchoLight Studios' Religious Freedom Docudrama Set to Release After Hobby Lobby Victory

Family Institute of Connecticut to Hold Victory for Religious Freedom Rally Tonight in Hartford

Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer Applauds Supreme Court's Decision on Contraceptive Mandate, Decries Government's War on Women's Health

Foundation for Moral Law Rejoicing After Hobby Lobby Ruling

United States Supreme Court Upholds Religious Liberty against HHS Abortion Pill Mandate

Attorneys for Religious Owners of Private Closely-Held Companies in Chicago Applaud Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Decision

Judicial Watch Favorably Reacts to Supreme Court's Decision on HHS Contraceptive Mandate

Pro-Life Youth at Hobby Lobby Celebrate Religious Freedom as Supreme Court Announces Decision

Chicago Rally Today Celebrates Hobby Lobby Religious Freedom Ruling

Supreme Court Hands Hobby Lobby, Religious Freedom a Victory

Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Decision Reaction on Christian View of Work

CMA Doctors Hail Supreme Court Mandate Ruling, Decry Ongoing Targeting of Faith Community

Supreme Court Rules for Hobby Lobby in Religious Liberty Case

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Youth to Rally at Anaheim Hills Hobby Lobby as Supreme Court Announces Decision Monday Morning

Friday, June 27, 2014

July 4th God and Country Nationwide Celebration

Author Richard Capriola Interviewed on Twin Cities Christian Talk about 'A Nation Under Judgment'

National PTSD Awareness Day: Women are Affected the Most

Open Doors Providing Food, Water for Christians, Others Fleeing Mosul

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Jazz Psalms Project Offers New Sounds for Church Musicians

Life Legal Defense Foundation Celebrates U.S. Supreme Court Rejection of Massachusetts Buffer Zone

Supreme Court Rejection of Massachusetts' Free Speech Attack is a Victory for 40 Days for Life, Pro-Life Activists

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