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Friday, June 29, 2012

Jonathan Falwell Ministry Responds to Colorado Wildfires

TBN Celebrates America's Independence with Patriotic and Challenging Program Lineup

2012 U.S. Olympian Lopez Lomong Headed to London -- Then Africa after Summer Games

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Continues to Advance from Emmy Award Winner to Sainthood

Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Tele-Press Conference June 29

Leaders Gather in Washington to Speak About the Progress and Worldwide Challenges Facing the Greatest Human Rights Issue of Our Times

Supreme Court Upholds Socialized Medicine

Richard Viguerie: Supreme Court Changes Tea Party 2010 Wave into Typhoon in 2012

Republican Appointee Chief Justice Roberts Sides with Liberals in Pro-Abortion Obamacare Decision; 'Enough is Enough,' Says Personhood USA

10,000 Attend First Open Air Evangelistic Meeting in Cuba

SCOTUS Health Care Decision's Impact on Young Americans, Statement by Generation Opportunity President Paul T. Conway

Phil Wickham, Moriah Peters Perform Live at Free Concert Event

Richard Viguerie on the Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling: A 21st Century Dred Scott Decision

Statement on Israel Divestment Resolution by the Presbyterian Church USA

If Catholics Want Different Policy, Change the Policy Makers

National Right to Life: Supreme Court Decision Means Americans Must Elect Mitt Romney and a Pro-Life Congress Committed to Repealing ObamaCare

Bott Radio Network Expands Coverage in Missouri

'We Will Not Comply': Obamacare Upheld by Supreme Court

July is Repent of Non-Christians Obama and Romney Month (2 Chronicles 19:2)

HHS Position on Births Compares to China's Position

Faith Community and Pro-Life Leaders Disappointed in Supreme Court's Ruling on Obamacare

Amid Controversy, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Gathers in Pittsburgh

Christian Leaders Learn the Fundamentals of Jewish-Christian Relations in Israel

Clergy Leaders to Speak in Front of Supreme Court Before and After Health Care Decision

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Millennial Opposition to President Obama's Health Care Law High as Concerns About Loss of Individual and Religious Freedom and Violations of Basic American Liberties Escalate

Bill Foster Parties with Hefner

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplains Respond to Colorado and New Mexico as Wildfires Rage

Mercy Ministries Graduate Christina McCoy Rallies Team to Give Back at the Run for Mercy 5K and Family Walk in Roseville, CA

A Michigan Church and Community Living and Giving Together; There Are Some Things Money Can't Buy

Clinic in El Salvador Honored by Foundation

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