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Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Evangelist Alveda King: Dobbs 'Leak' - An Unhelpful Distraction

Is this Really the End of Roe?

If Sotomayor was Involved in Abortion Decision Leak, She Must Resign or Face Impeachment

David C Cook Equips Churches to Extended Faith Formation Beyond Sundays

New Book: Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion

Stanton Healthcare Calls Upon Idaho Attorney General Wasden to Assure Idaho Residents that He will Treat Chemical Abortions in the Same Manner as Surgical Abortions When 'Roe v. Wade' is Overturned

Pastor Offers Cure to Combat Pain, Depression & Anxiety

The Presidential Prayer Team Hosts National Prayer Room and Free Prayer Resources for National Day of Prayer

Monday, May 02, 2022

Breaking News: 'Supreme Court Has Voted to Overturn Abortion Rights, Draft Opinion Shows' -- Politico

Roe Overturned? All-Night Vigil at Supreme Court -- Operation Rescue Founder and Pro-Life Activists Gather at Supreme Court Tonight, Monday Night

Anatomy Texts Prove Women Exist

New Documentary 'THE HOMESCHOOL AWAKENING' From Kirk Cameron Reveals Importance of Parental Leadership in Education

Launch of Patriot's Legal Defense Fund, Inc.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Visit to Sudan Highlights Importance of Strengthening Solidarity with Churches

Fighting Anti-Catholicism is What We Do

Nearly 60 Churches in Idaho's Treasure Valley Uniting this Weekend to Help Women with Unexpected Pregnancies and Offer Real Hope

Thursday, April 28, 2022

FRC's Perkins and 31 Other Pro-Family Leaders Sign Letter Urging 'Bold Strategy to Protect Unborn Life'

Statement of Orthodox Christian Laity on the Invasion of Ukraine

New Study Reveals Evangelical Priorities in Giving

LC Files Brief for Air Force Cadet Hearing on Shot Mandate

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Ukraine in Prophesy - The Jeremiah Factor

A Timely and Encouraging Book by a Brand New Author

Virginia Homeschool Convention Returns to Richmond for 39th Year

Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution Launches National Campaign #BanChemicalAbortions and #ProLifeProGreen

This is the Land of the Saints

Pastors and Leaders Unity Day Announced for July 30

All Things Possible Presents Kingdom Men's Gathering with Victor Marx, Nick Vujicic and More

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Immediate Military Class Action Relief Needed

A Young Man Performs Miracles -- How Does the World React?

The Presidential Prayer Team Hosts National Day of Prayer Event with National Prayer Room and Free Prayer Resources

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