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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Christian Publicity Firm Brimstone Services Pledges Support to Father Pavone

Ascension Press Announces The Great Adventure Video Contest: Win a Trip to the Holy Land with Jeff & Emily Cavins

Author of Heaven Account Responds to Skeptics

Thousands Celebrate Israel in Seoul, Korea

Crossroads Career Network Launches Interactive Wall of Prayer & Praise

HarperOne Launches SmallGroupGuides.com

Gov. Rick Perry's Rape-Incest-Life-Of-Mother Abortion Exceptions  Means Perry is NOT Pro-life

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Iranian Youth Searching for Answers; Open to the Gospel Message

Unusual (free) Bible Conference at Taylor

This October 14, Audiences will Discover The Greatest Miracle

Christian Support for Palestinian Statehood Not Likely in Light of Biblical Interpretation

Prominent Historian to Present Online Lectures for Apologetics Academy's Upcoming Fall Session

New Contemporary Christian Artist and Speaker Cede is Back and Looking to Book Your Next Youth Event

Maryknoll Magazine Announces 2011 Student Essay Contest - Jesus And Bullying

Pastor Bent (Benjamin) Altschul of Great Among The Nations (GATN) Partners with Local Danish Christian Pastors for Successful City-Wide 'Holy Spirit Night'

WinePress Publishing Announces New Novel that Unveils Messianic Youth Culture in Israel

North Korean Underground Church to American Church: 'We Pray for You'

Monday, September 19, 2011

Missionary's Wife Dies in Earthquake

Adult Stem Cell Researchers Ask Federal Court to Reverse Ruling That Existing Federal Law Does Not Ban Federal Funding of Illegal, Unnecessary, and Unethical 'Research' in Which Human Embryos are 'Knowingly Subjected to Risk of Injury or Death'

'True Love Waits' Cofounder Jimmy Hester to Retire Sept. 30

Rep. Walsh Urges Palestinian Authority to End Bid for Statehood at United Nations

Members of Project Defending Life Had Encouraging Meeting with Governor Susana Martinez

PreachingToday.com Launches New Fall Sermon Series

Hultgren Introduces Homeschool Bill -- Press Conference Call on Tuesday

Film 'Divided' Black-Listed for Defending Biblical View of Youth Ministry

NBC's 'The Playboy Club' Will Fail

OCP Releases Mass Setting Supplement for Popular, Spirit & Song Books

'The Littlest Angel' on DVD 11/15

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Child Evangelism Fellowship Reaches Over 2800 Children in Salt Lake City Through Good News Across America Campaign

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Christian Film Studio Making a Comedy Series for the Whole Family

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