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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

St. Louis Jesuits to Receive Jubilate Deo Award at NPM National Convention

Positive Psychology Supports What Bible Has Been Saying All Along, Author Says

Movie 'Single Creek' Inspires Single and Married Adults

Churches Rededicate the USA to God on July 3rd

Women's Groups Appeal to NBC's Legal and Corporate Responsibility Asking for a Halt to 'The Playboy Club'

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

THE INSTITUTE Releases Analysis of Dangerous Hungarian Religion Law

Richard Viguerie: Huntsman's Candidacy Will Split the Pawlenty/Romney Vote

Single & Parenting: New Church-Based Solution for Effective Single-Parent Ministry

Rodrigo Ulloa-Chavarry Ordained During Maryknoll Society's Centennial Year -- Continues Mission by Sharing the Good News in Nepal

Bill Reilly Departs Odyssey Networks for New Ventures

Gov. Perry Heeds Will of Texans: Says No to TSA Groping

Chief of Largest English-Language Catholic Publisher to Lead Catholic Press Association

Conservative Group Calls GOP Defense of Vitter 'Hypocrisy' After Weiner Ouster

Author Identifies the Dangers of Postmodernism, and Its Effect Upon the Clarity and Validity of Truth Claims Communicated by Today's Church

'Benedictus': Fragrance Created for Pope Benedict XVI

Monday, June 20, 2011

Lesbian Minister Faces Trial for Flouting Church Policy on Same-Sex Marriage

Nexus Media Management Launches Innovative Live Self-Publishing Training

Rap Artist and Speaker Jeff McIntosh '737' Joins The Winn Agency Talent

Caught On Tape: Gov. Perry Confronted at New Orleans Book Signing for Breaking His Word on TSA Bill

Prison Ministry's Newest Campus Opens in Violent Juarez

Faith Organization Demands NBC Offer a 'Clear Explanation' as to Why They Removed 'Under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance in Broadcast

Catholic Writers to Convene August Conference in Valley Forge

Presidential Contender Rick Santorum Talks Human Personhood

Heartbeat International Introduces Marathons for Moms Fundraiser

Friday, June 17, 2011

Illinois Appellate Court Reverses Trial Court Decision That Upheld Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995

First Presbyterian and Archie Thompson Bring Gospel and Jazz Downtown

Forced Abortion in China -- Activist's Wife Cries for Help

Chicago Tribune Investigation Exposes Corruption in Illinois State Abortion Records

China's Official Three-Self Church System Joins in Persecution Against Shouwang House Church

GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Support the Mississippi Personhood Amendment

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