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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rev. Peterson to Oprah: 'Obama Was Elected President, Not Appointed King!'

New Book Walks Readers Through a Logical Examination of the Reality in Which We All Live

Acclaimed Rock Band Third Day Joins Forces with GCU, Offering Fans a Pool of $1 Million in Scholarships

Georgia Files Personhood Amendment

Minister Jerry Bowman Uses Music to Preach to the Youth

Personhood Abortion Bans Sweep Iowa, North Dakota, Montana, Texas, and Oklahoma

ArtsandFaith.com Presents Top 100 Films List

Homeschooling Freedom is Good for Illinois

Monday, February 14, 2011

Waterproof Bibles for the Homeless in Indianapolis, Indiana

Acton Institute Names Hunter Baker Recipient of 2011 Novak Award

Alliance Churches Top U.S. Giving to Overseas Missions

Emergency Transport from Planned Parenthood Makes Another Case for Defunding

IRD: Sexually Liberal United Methodist Bishops Represent the Past

National and State Winners in Worldwide Marriage Encounter Longest Married Couple Project Recognized and Honored

BPAS Fails in Bid to Change Law to Allow Women to Take Abortion Pills at Home

40 Days for Life to Join Nationwide Prayer Vigil; Rally Outside Richmond Planned Parenthood

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Faith Organizations to Hold Prayer Vigil in Front of White House in Support of Persecuted Christians and Religious Freedom for all in Iraq

Friday, February 11, 2011

Metropolitan Hilarion, Russian Orthodox Church, Expresses Support for WCF Moscow Demographic Summit

TBN's PTC Seal of Approval Points the Way for Parents

North Dakota Passes Personhood Legislation in the House

Pro-Life Coalition Calls for 'Vigils for Victims' at Planned Parenthood Clinics Nationwide

Egypt: Future of Christians Unclear Following Mubarak Resignation Today

Pastor Chuck Smith Stuns Radio Listeners by Encouraging Woman to Abort

Ted Haggard Talks Temptation and Contempt for the American Church

100,000 to March for Life in Philippines this Weekend

SmallGroups.com Examines Small-Group Worship in its Newest Digizine

Ave Maria University to Host National Mass for Sixth Anniversary of Terri Schiavo's Death

Maryknoll Magazine Classroom Program Celebrates 10 Years; More Than 140,000 Students and 2,600 Catholic Schools Participate

The Discovery Institute is Made an Offer it Can't Refuse

Thomas More Society Ready to Defend the Constitutional Rights of Participants in 'Vigils for Victims' of Sex Trafficking

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