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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

64 Tax Developments Churches & Clergy Should Know Before Filing 2010 Tax Returns

Relaunched Website Offers Place for Abstinent Singles to Meet Each Other, Share Lifestyle Choice

Prison Minister Marty Angelo Reaches Out to Troubled Actor Shelley Malil

FEMA 'Resolve To Be Ready' Campaign Gets Support from Pastors, Preppers

New Book Pleads for Grandma to Stop Driving in the Left Lane

Monday, December 27, 2010

The New Face of Christian Music, Put Everyone on Notice Now

MyGIVINGSOLUTIONS.com Offers Optional 'Debit Card Only Online Giving': Empowering Churches with a Choice in Online Giving

Bible.is Hits One Million Mark in Matter of Months

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christians in the Middle East -- Iraq: 'We Remain Vigilant, We Are Determined to Act' Say Top Members of the European Parliament

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Catholic Healthcare Expert Warns of 'Dangerous Precedent' in 'Defiance' by CHA, Hospital, of Bishop

Prolifers Crash Two Abortion Christmas Parties; Videos Yanked from YouTube

TBN's Church Channel Offers Inspirational Niche for Cable, Satellite Viewers

Shawn Rae, Pakistani-American Exhibits Respect for Christianity by Singing the First Christmas Album from the Muslim World

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Walk for Life Youth Rally at Fort Mason's Festival Pavilion Immediately Following Walk for Life West Coast

America's Christian Credit Union has Record Crowd at 5th Annual Snow Day

'It's A Wonderful, Wonderful Christmas After All' -- Dr. John Howard Shares the Spirit of Christmas

SBA List Claims Pro-Life Grassroots Victory in Passage of Defense Bill Without Pro-Abortion Amendment

The Bible Comes to Life on the IPad

HLI Lauds Decision by Bishop Olmsted to Defend both Life and Catholic Identity

SBA List Mobilizes 500K Grassroots Activists to Lobby for Pro-Life RNC Chairman

Pro-Abortion Vandalism Prompts Act of Generosity

BibleRhymes' Christmas Story -- 2010

Audio Bible Ministry Releases 'The Christmas Story'

Sanctified Slide in the Guinness Book of World Records

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Empty Seat at the Christmas Table

2011 NIV Bible Update Released in Digital Format for Christmas

Money, Media, Marriage and Millennials... What is the Next Generation of Influencers Thinking

Holiness Denomination Leaders Meet to Strengthen Ties

British Government to be Commended for Plan to Block Internet Pornography to Protect Children, but it Doesn't Go Far Enough

An Ordinary Man's Inspiring Journey Toward a Simpler, More Meaningful Life

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