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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Working Out Your Salvation: Retired Pastor of Sixty Years Presents New Study

Citizens Group Calls for Councilmember to Retract Threats and Release NOW Financial Records

Monday, September 06, 2010

New Sci-Fi Fantasy Adventure Series

Christian Blogger Reveals the Ancient Treaty that Dooms Current Middle East Peace Talks

Largest Homeschool Blogging Community Upgrades to a Whole New Way of Blogging Life

Friday, September 03, 2010

Adult Stem Cell Scientists Oppose Government's Request to Lift Federal Judge's Order Enjoining Unlawful Federal Funding of Research Involving the Destruction of Living Human Embryos

MercySong Wins Multiple Accolades at Canada's 'Catholic Grammys' Awards Show

Attacks Against Christine O'Donnell About Unpaid Expenses From Her 2008 Campaign are Inaccurate Says Her 2008 Primary Campaign Manager

Comedian Jerry Lewis is Dead Wrong

Principal's Threatening Letter to Faculty Another Example of Religion Under Siege in America, says Author

Share God's Love, and Yours, with a Child Today

Is Stephen Hawking's New Book Science or Science Fiction

Thursday, September 02, 2010

MOPS International Introduces Momology: The Book, The Community, The Website; Tools to Ensure No Mom is Alone in Mothering

Christian Aid: Flood Victims in Pakistan Crisis Still Need Our Help

Newsong LA Church will Participate in National 'Back To Church Sunday' September 12, 2010

Watoto Announces The 'Restore Tour: Child Soldier No More': A Stage Production Featuring Ugandan Children Rescued from War Atrocities

Stephen Hawking Breaks Atheist Rules

Christian Talk Show Debuts on TV Counseling Callers on Sex, Drug and Other Addiction Issues

SBA List 'Life Speaking Out Campaign' Calls for Pro-Life Priority in GOP Legislative Blueprint

HLI Denounces Eugenicist Professor's Call to Sterilize the 'Unfit'

Filmmaker Seeks 'Answers' to Darwinism's Effect on Christian Youth

Hundreds of Volunteers Spending Labor Day Vacation Building Homes for Low-income Families as Part of Worldwide Housing Event

Press Supports Mosque but Condemns 9-11 Christian Center

Michael Youssef Exposes The Greatest Lie

Patriot Film of the Year -- Rockin the Wall -- to Premier at Liberty XPO

The Thanksgiving Game(tm) Turns Destruction into Blessing, Launches Downloadable Game

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Divided Illinois Supreme Court Rejects Thomas More Society's Request for Immediate Transfer of Parental Notice Challenge

Prayer Center Destroyed by Force, Church Leaders Threatened for Mission Conference Invitation

A Compact Edition of Emanuel Swedenborg's Most Popular Book Now Available in Spanish

'A Postcard from the Volcano' by Lucy Beckett Named Finalist for 2010 Dayton Literary Peace Prize

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