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Friday, July 16, 2010

Scouting Matriarch Pushes to Recruit One Million Scouts

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Colorado Amendment 62 Kicks Off Personhood Tour Featuring Pastor Walter Hoye

Obama Funds Vote on Abortion in Kenya -- Is This How He'll Fund Abortion in the U.S.?

SBA List Endorses Kelly Ayotte for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire

'Your Family Live!' from Focus on the Family Premieres This Friday on Angel Two - First TV Affiliate to Air Program

Break the Poverty Cycle: Train Teen Mothers First

Edge Media Celebrates Launch of ChurchLink Communications by Offering Complimentary Thirty Day Subscription to ChurchLink Mobile for Churches, Ministries, Christian Broadcast, and Christian Schools

Judicial Tyranny Strikes Again: Homosexual Marriage Imposed on D.C. Voters

Press Conference Postponed Due to Senate Floor Vote Schedule

Ardent Giving Solutions Launches 'Debit Card Only Giving' for Online, Kiosk and Wireless Transactions

Loudoun County First to Declare War Against Christmas in 2010

Crist Wants Senate Seat Enough to Trade Away Children's Lives says Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Director

Administration Reiterates That No Federal Funds Will Be Used for Abortion

Ken Canedo, Bob Hurd Collaborate on Mass of Glory Revision for OCP

Sessions to Host Senate Presser on New AUL Action Kagan Report

Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy Share the Power of Cheerful Giving

Teens Converge in D.C. to Voice Concerns About Gang Violence July 17-22

Scholarships Encourage Christians to Seek Addiction Help

David vs. Goliath: American Jewish Entrepreneur Launches Campaign to Counter Boycotts and Terror Against Israel with Genesis Waters

'Expect to Recover' Message to Gulf Residents

Personhood Mississippi Responds to Lawsuit Against Right to Life and Right to Vote in Mississippi

TBN's Popular 'Church Channel' Now Available on DISH Network

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Missouri 5th State to Opt Out of Taxpayer-Funded Abortion; New Law Includes Significant Informed Consent Enhancements

U.S. Court of Appeals says FCC Broadcast Indecency Policy is Vague Because TV Networks Have Difficulty Knowing When They Can Get Away with Airing Foul Language in the Presence of Children

New Leaders Offer New Hope for the Mainline Church

Obama Violates Own Executive Order, Funds Abortions

Regional Conference to Feature National Personhood Leaders

Obama Admin Killing Rights by Redefinition

Abortion - Filibuster Kagan Tour: Visiting States of McConnell, Sessions, and Graham; 'Protect the Babies! Live Up to Your Rhetoric!'

Court Gives Broadcasters Unfettered License to Air Profanity

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